Coop Ventilation.


9 Years
Feb 14, 2010
Has anyone used the automatic foundation vents called air tek? Lowes carries vents that will automatically (without power) open when the temp gets 70 degrees and automatically shuts at 40 degrees. I thought about putting them in the top of my coop.
Chickens like it around 40-50. So in the summer it would stay open more. Spring it would close when temp. drops at night. Winter is where you might have trouble. You would have to be carefull that it stays closed most of the time. Open just enough to vent but not freeze the combs and eggs. If it got warm in there with heater/lamp and chickens body heat and opened it could drop the temp to fast and they could get colds. I think you would be fine if you have mild winters. Also watch out for when open you get rain/snow/sleet and it frezzes open or closed. I hope this helps. I used 2 basement windows that you can take the glass out and put back as needed also have a storm door with window that opens to vent my coop. I can vent a lttle to alot as needed. You can see my coop on my BYC page under my screen name. Maybe someone will see this post that has some and could tell you more. Best of luck to you.
You make a good point about the heat lamps etc. I have plenty of windows on thesides but nothing in the roof. I read alot in here about roof ventilation.
I don't have roof vents. It is sealed with foam inso.
I have not had any trouble with out roof vents.
In cold places roof vents will let out to much heat.
So we went with windows up high and the door.
It is working out great. The family up the road has a roof vent that runs the width of the coop and they lost 10 chickens this winter.
I would say it depends on where you live. What you think will work for you the best. Sorry not much help for ya.
It is ok to have *supplementary* vents close at 40, but you still need to have a bunch of ventilation open even at colder temperatures than that, or the coop will get way too humid and you will be gettin' unnecessary frostbite on the chickens.

This being the case, I honestly see no benefit in spending money on auto-opening foundation vents when you could just close your extra ventilation by hand as the weather requires. It wouldn't do any harm I suppose (other than being so small as to be inadequate unless you have a bunch, in most coops) but I just don't see the advantage.

For more information on good ventilation for your coop, and why it matters, see the Big Ol' Ventilation page link in my .sig below.

Good luck, have fun,


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