Coop with walk-in run price point?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 23, 2013
I'm trying to decide on a plan for a coop. I currently have four chickens but think it might be wise to build slightly bigger in case I decide to get more chickens in the future (maybe large enough for eight?). Money is definitely a consideration but it'd be nice to have a coop with a walk-in run. If you went with this design, how much would you say it cost to build so big? I guess it isn't a "must", but I'd love to be able to get in there with my daughter and visit with the girls as often as possible.
my last run was 10 x 20 but only 5 feet high... big mistake, it didn't get cleaned or raked nearly as much as it should due to its height.

I am building a new one soon and the height will be 6'6 and a big enough door for a wheelbarrow.

price? more than I want I'm sure.

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slightly bigger is never enough.. I had 8 chickens last year.. now my wife ordered 6 more.. and 4 turkeys.. plus a lady down the street just dropped off another 6 1 year hens... my advice is build it beg enough for 20. who knows what will happen a year from now.

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