

In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 18, 2014
Thanks very much for info, putting my tin roof on today and really looking forward to getting my chickens, I live in middle Tennessee and just want probably ten or so chickens. Really like the BYC so far a lot of good information to pool from and seems like good people on BYC. greg42
Bought my chickens today and have them in my garage for now, had fun setting up the temporary home today, 2 questions at what age can they go to there hen house and I want a rooster after they get bigger. I bought 4 Barred Rock 4 Buff Orpington and 2 RIR what breed rooster would make the best companion for these chickens. Greg42
I'm new too but I've been told once they get thier feathers they are good to be in the coop... about five six weeks I think... best of luck Greg!
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Chicks are fully feathered and no longer need supplemental heat at around 6 weeks of age. Did you buy pullet chicks or strait run? I would recommend against a RIR rooster for a mixed flock, they seem more likely to be aggressive.

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, chicks need to be fully feathered or sometime around 6 weeks of age. Keep the heat lamp on them, starting them out at 95 degrees the first week and lowering the heat by 5 degrees each week for 6 weeks.

X2 on the RIR roo being aggressive. I would go with a Buff Orpington Roo if these breeds are your choices. The the Barred Rock would be the second choice, RIR last.

Enjoy your new babies! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask. Welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! Congratulations on your new chicks! You could also go with a different breed of rooster if you don't mind mixed breed chicks, just pick a roo of a breed you like colorwise etc. Besides roos of the breeds you have which would give you some purebreds, if you are going to hatch eggs you might consider an Easter Egger rooster that would give you EE pullets that would hopefully lay green eggs.
Thanks for your information I'm very new at this but love it so far
Thanks for everyone thoughts, it great to have everyone's opinion and expertise, I think I'm going to start with a Buff Orpington Roo and see how it goes from there I bought my chicks from our local co-op and they are supposed to be all pullets. Our local TSC sold as straight run so that's the reason for going with co-op. I think the chicks are from 2-3 weeks old. Thanks again to everyone.. Greg42

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