corn soybean futures ...?


9 Years
Jun 23, 2010
Skagit Valley, WA
Is anyone following the prices this year? I normally do not but our flock has gotten big enough that we are buying feed by that half-ton. I was looking at the futures and from what I can see it looks like corn and soybeans are up a little but it's won't be too bad. Am I correct?
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Corn was up a dollar or more a couple of weeks ago but has since fallen off. I don't keep up with soybeans as I don't like them in chicken feed.

The demand for corn is continuing to rise. We'll have to wait and see how the crop faired in the mid-west before we can really predict the price come mid-winter.
Why don't you like soy?

When do you think the final price for corn will be in?
You don't want to hear my diatribe on soy. lol.
I prefer to get my protein boost from animal protein.
Corn? It is really hard to tell when the price will stabilize. I talked to my feed buyer at church yesterday. He said it was back up the last of the week because the USDA had overestimated the yield per acre.
I don't know about Saladin, but I don't like soy because unless it's organic, all soy in this country is of GMO (genetically modified organism) origin. Soy has also been shown to cause incredibly horrific fertility issues in women and fetuses. Most - if not all - non-organic corn is also GMO. Genetically modified foods, in a nutshell, are treated with horrendous chemicals, pesticides, and we don't know the long-term effect it has in humans.

I won't go any further though...a little research online will tell you all you need to know. There are hundreds of articles out there on the subject.

I feed my girls Countryside Naturals feed...milled organically in Virginia, and is soy-free. It does have corn in it, but as I mentioned, it's all organic.

my two cents...
I've just been looking into this more recently, and it is my understanding that most of the corn grown in this country is GMO. With that being the case, what are the odds that even "organic" corn is totally GMO-free? So what if they never planted GMO corn in that field - I would think that one halfway decent tornado tearing across the Midwest could pick up enough GMO corn pollen and place it into the atmosphere and contaminate the entire Eastern seaboard!!!

Our food supply is in serious danger.

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