Cornish x Babies Are Here!!! ***UPDATE WITH PICS!***

I have searched and search for my wk 3 pics and can't find them. I presume they were erased.
Here they are week 4 ... 3 lbs


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Steve love the roosters. I like really big chickens anyway.

Thank you Randy . I kinda like a larger chicken myself , but the giant breeds all grow the frame first than develope the majority of the meat later . This , coupled with slow growth , make them far more healthy than a CX ; but much less desirable than the CX for adding size in my efforts to develope a better dual purpose , homestead type , blue/green egg layer .
Just took a look at my babies, looks like I have 2 girls and 4 boys. Their 3 week birthday is in 2 days, I will do weights again then.

Ps. GREAT thread guys! Thank you for posting!
Thanks for this thread. I can relate with a lot of the posts, and it helps to read them. I am a first time meatie "rancher"! My birds are 2 wks. today, and one of them died today. I guess with flip.
I had picked them up and put them into a container so I could clean, and the one chick started screaching and flopping. Scared me, but he didn't last long and layed down and died.
I weighed him and he was an ounce short of 2 lbs. I think I have figured out my problem, though. I had them on 24 % feed. It was just really unnerving to watch it, but I went ahead and processed him. I think the practice bird will help me when I process them when they are ready.
It has been several years since I raised CornishX, as I recall I fed them a crumble called "Quick Grow" but I don't recall the protein percentage. Of the 25 I had i only lost one from a heart attack.
So flip is a heart attack?

Going by the advice on this thread, I was able to figure out that I have at least one female in the bunch. Maybe two. I bought them as cockerels from McMurray.
flip is heart attack... a spasm will make them flip over on their backs... they are found dead laying on back. the only loss i have had thus far was one due to flip at one week old .
feed: for the first 2 weeks, i fed chick starter by purina ( not sure of the protein %) 24/7

at exactly 2 weeks they were fed 12 on /12 off / purina flock raiser 20 %

I am very far from an expert... or even novice...but it seems to be working thus far.
I have some too!

These babies are about 6 weeks old now I think. Not sure if they are boys or girls. Still tossing up the idea of butchering a few and keeping a few.



I have 9 total. Had 10, but a hawk got one.

We had some a couple years ago and they lived a couple about 4 years I think. All of them came from local commercial houses. (Farmers doing "petting zoos" for the kid's school, ALL the kids come home with yellow fuzzies! My daughter just happened to bring home everyone else's too! Hahaha!)

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