Cornish x Babies Are Here!!! ***UPDATE WITH PICS!***

Well if you have never seen a chick die that way, trust me, you don't want to!
It was horrible! Now I am afraid to touch them or do any thing with them. I wanted to take them outside today since it is nice, but I don't want to cause another heart attack!
Well if you have never seen a chick die that way, trust me, you don't want to!
It was horrible! Now I am afraid to touch them or do any thing with them. I wanted to take them outside today since it is nice, but I don't want to cause another heart attack!

Keep them confined to an area where they can pick grass and dust. Mine died while it was running towards me, I was bringing kitchen scraps for all of the chickens to pick through. If you are planning to keep a couple to breed, switch them to pellets and let their internal organs catch up with their frame growth. I never had any leg problems with the two hens I kept but that was several years ago.
I had thought about keeping my pullet. I think I only have one out of the bunch. I have a RIR roo, so I guess the chicks would be sex link?
i could def be mistaken but thought sexlink was from leghorn x RIR (more of an egg layer breed)... just my thought on the matter..but i don't know much...
No , all the chicks should be mostly white with a few dark feathers . Meaties are dominate white ; I think a red roo on visually white hens uses the Silver gene to get the two different colors .
Mine are six weeks now, I think. Did anybody else get the broilers on special off the email from Meyer Hatchery back then? They were half price, 95 cents. Anyway, I have 22 left out of the original 27 sent. Lost 3 through an accident with the turkey jumping on the mesh roof of the brooder box I left open:/. Two were squashed in a pileup before I made their coop and run bigger.
Weighed one yesterday at 3 lbs 8 oz.
They seem behind everyone elses, but I think they were running out of food while I was at work at first. I now have bigger feeding bins... MAN they can eat!!

TY Jeff, I read many of your posts and take your advise on all things poultry . ;-)
One thing that I contribute to success on this batch is that we are southern state/higher temps for Fall than folks in northern states ... the temps have been steady in the 70's and relatively dry. The temps are scheduled to drop to 60-50s this week...but the bigger birds can handle that, i think....
Another thing is that I feed 12/12 and water w. boiler booster.

they are five weeks yesterday. took pic today and weighed today... they are 4 lbs, 1.5 oz.

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Very cute picture! Mine are 3 wks. today and way uglier than yours! I have three bloody tails where the other chicks just stand there and pick at them, and the cornishx don't seem to be bothered by it too much. When I see that going on I turn off the light and the red glow of the heat lamp makes the blood harder to see. I am getting ready to put them out in the chicken house. I wonder how much time they will spend unter the heat lamp since it is only 40 - 60 degrees during the day, and getting down to 20 - 30 at night.
OOh that's cold. Mine don't have a heat lamp anymore, they are 4 weeks now. I just made sure the coop is draft free and well insulated... they are doing fine, but it onyl gets into the 40's here at night. (Which is cold for us!)

Also, I have read SO many posts about how the cornish aren't "chicken like" and how they don't do what the other chickens do. I find that to be completely untrue about mine, they act just like chickens, running around and play fliying just as much as everyone else...


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