Cornish x Babies Are Here!!! ***UPDATE WITH PICS!***

They went out today and had a blast running around! I think they seem more relaxed now that they don't have to little egg layer chicks picking at them. I really thought it would be the other way around with the big meat birds being the bullies! They are just like big pink babies! LOL!
Well today is the day; they are now 5 weeks old!!! The come out every day to run around in the yard and LOVE to eat the grass and the green stuff... I took the weights of the Cornish and they were a full THREE and A HALF pounds!!!!
I didn't realized they had gained so much since I put them outside! They're huge!!! Such an amazing size difference from anything I have ever had before.

Here's the pics!


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Here is a better tracker that counts in weeks rather than months.


I spend time with them every day, but I need to get updated pics and weights... I'll do that tomorrow.
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Actually both, I plan on keeping the healthiest females to get at least *some* fertile eggs out of them, I will probably process all the roo's, we'll have to see, I'm not sure how many I have of each... I *think* I only have two roos! I wanted to start small but I should have got more than I did when I ordered.
They're lookin' good . Looked like there are possibly two roos in the posted 11/25 . The wattles as well the combs helpeg me identify mine . Best wishes for some successful crosses .

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