Cornish x Babies Are Here!!! ***UPDATE WITH PICS!***

Are you supposed to take them off their feed and give them milk for a couple of days before processing?
We take ours off their feed 12-24 hours before we butcher. It makes it alot less messy. We just got done butchering the last of this batch today. We will never do them this late into the season again. We butchered some at the end of October that were 7 1/2 weeks old and most dressed out at 6-7 pounds. It went so quick we thought we could get another batch in before real cold weather. Didn't realize how much light & warmth affects how fast they grow. This last batch was 10 weeks and they were more like 3 1/2 to 4 pounds dressed. Plus it was harder to take care of them on the colder days and a lot less pleasant to process in the cold. We did learn alot more about them with this batch so I guess that is good. I can say that now because the last one is in the cooler!
Wow only 4 pounds dressed? Mine are live weight probably 9 pounds, I will see what the dressed weights are after Thursday.
I haven't had any problems with the cold, I would assume they have more problems in the heat.
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I can attest to the slow growth that the cold makes. Granted, I was not raising CornishX but excess cockerels, but is still applies. I've never seen such small boys, especially since their sire was so big. The one I did, out of four, was about 2 1/2- 3 lbs.

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