Cornish X - Laying like a champ!

Wonderful! Are you seeing the growth rate of the Meat Kings with the offspring?
Faster, and wider than normal heritage birds, but not nearly as fast as their mothers for sure. I am aiming for 12-14 weeks. Before sex hormones kick in and toughen them up. Both I kept are girls from the second generation. I am breeding them back to their father and continuing. This generation won't be processed
Here she is now at 23 weeks. She has been laying for a while, because now she is broody. I didn't even realize she was laying because she does not have a big comb. :)

She's with some 8 week old CX in these photos.

This was my first year with chicks so of course I've made mistakes, but you may have answered a question for me. I started with 30 chicks, 4 runner ducks, and 5 boilers. I didn't know to keep the boilers separate from the others so I just raised them all together. Once they reached about 4 weeks, I put them all out in the chicken house (it's a 20x20 barn type thing made for chickens) I loved watching my boilers get so big and could easily tell them apart. I started them all out there in a child's swimming pool until they were big enough to get out if it on their own. Then I let them roam about the coop. So, they were all together, and every few days I would count my boilers... 5. Then one day I counted only 4. I have a couple white chickens but none of those were big enough for me to be sure it was a boiler. Could it be possible that one of my boilers stopped eating as much and therefore didn't get big like the others? If so, I now have a boiler out there with the rest if the chickens, enjoying a very big run and being treated like a laying hen. How can I tell the difference between my white rocks and a boiler? Btw, I only bought 2 white rocks but have 3 white chickens now....I read your post and am thinking I might still have a boiler out there. Lol (I'm. So green at this)
This was my first year with chicks so of course I've made mistakes, but you may have answered a question for me. I started with 30 chicks, 4 runner ducks, and 5 boilers. I didn't know to keep the boilers separate from the others so I just raised them all together. Once they reached about 4 weeks, I put them all out in the chicken house (it's a 20x20 barn type thing made for chickens) I loved watching my boilers get so big and could easily tell them apart. I started them all out there in a child's swimming pool until they were big enough to get out if it on their own. Then I let them roam about the coop. So, they were all together, and every few days I would count my boilers... 5. Then one day I counted only 4. I have a couple white chickens but none of those were big enough for me to be sure it was a boiler. Could it be possible that one of my boilers stopped eating as much and therefore didn't get big like the others? If so, I now have a boiler out there with the rest if the chickens, enjoying a very big run and being treated like a laying hen. How can I tell the difference between my white rocks and a boiler? Btw, I only bought 2 white rocks but have 3 white chickens now....I read your post and am thinking I might still have a boiler out there. Lol (I'm. So green at this)

Wow, what a problem. Just wait a little while and they will shoot up bigger than the others.
Aoxa, is there any update on your cornish x birds?
I have 3, 6 week old cornish x pullets now currently at 1lb. All their sibling are at 5-6lbs. I am restricting the 3'pullets feed and am hoping they will make it to lay eggs. I can't have roosters where I am so they will just be for eggs, no future generations with them.
Aoxa, is there any update on your cornish x birds?
I have 3, 6 week old cornish x pullets now currently at 1lb. All their sibling are at 5-6lbs. I am restricting the 3'pullets feed and am hoping they will make it to lay eggs. I can't have roosters where I am so they will just be for eggs, no future generations with them.
No not much. The hen I held back is roughly 10 pounds. VERY large. She is bare backed and a very agile chicken unlike her mother. I have her in with my Buckeyes right now. She can roost 4 feet high without a ladder as well. I must get a recent picture as long as no one judges me on her naked back area lol
Please post a picture, and I'll do the same with mine. These 3 have free ranged better than any chicken I've had before. They run all over our 3 acres.
They get just enough 20% chick starter to fill their bellies once a day in the evening. They also get a small handful of scratch grains in the morning, but they share that with our 7 layers.

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