Cornish X red ranger cross project

I have 5 - 13 week old Cornish x left (1 roo and 5 pullets) They seem to be doing well health wise, I've worried about them getting too hot though. We had temps in the mid 90's about a week ago. They weren't happy, but they survived. My boy started crowing about a week ago, and he tries to get on the CC girls, but I think he's too big - and they are too young. He doesn't try it with any of my year old layers though.
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I was hoping to try the same idea. With RR/Cornish/heavy breeds I have. Did your hens have issues laying? Generally I read that most hens would have issues with egg production because of leg size. I was told or read somewhere that the rooster should be Cornish and hens other breed. Although you think the hens would get squished when he mounted. I might try saving a few cornish both sexes and see how a trial both ways go. I only have RR pullets though so I will have to sub a rooster from my other heavy breed birds. I do have 2 Ameracauna Cockerals about their age that I really don't know what I want to do with them, they were free with birds I got from feed mill. Woulda had 3 but wife set a limit what I could purchase for birds.
Do you remember what age they were when they came into lay? As I could use one of my younger birds if they are really late maturing. And I have some birds I hatched a few weeks after I got these, of which some most definately be males. I have a couple 3/4 BA 1/4 Leghornthat are white but should have larger body if they turn out to be roos. Otherwise for the time being all my other males (Except Amer) are black and want to get a lighter colored meat bird.

I,m trying the same as you 5 Acre, I'll be using red laced cornish standards (wish they were heritage breed) with New Hampshire red roo.
Hoping to get a little faster growth rate from the NH side. My NH are twice the size and same age as my bared rocks. They just grow faster.
It will be a long process starting with chicks.
I take my hat off to you Christablle, you put you time in to get where are you now.
Great thread, I love this stuff being a newbee to breeding or should I say planning a breeding schedule.

They are growing quite fast. I would like to order some type of scale so I can track their weight. My hand is just for size comparison.

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