Coronation Sussex Thread!

Lol I saw a word in Dutch......KippenJungle.... Means ChickenJungle
Who right this down ? More Dutchies here on the BYC ?
I can't wait to get this breed! For breeding do any of you keep a light Sussex around to reintegrate occasionally?
We are breeding an unrelated trio of birds. We bought ours straight from Greenfire Farms it was the last set of breeders they sold. We bought 4 but sadly one didn't make the trip. So we have not had to reintroduce any Light Sussex into ours but we are planning to ad some fresh hens in 2015 so in 2016 we will probably breed a Light Sussex over them.
I am very sad to say my chicks didn't thrive. At the point I am ready to not keep the breed! They start well, and within 2 to 3 weeks lose them. I raise hundreds of birds, several species a year. Its upsetting to say the least.
This last group were brooded individually, eggs from a reputable breeder. Hatched here. Advice appreciated.
I think that there is some inbreeding issues with the Coros. When I first fell in love with this breed we bought eggs from a breeder twice with no hatch and once with two hatched and both eaten by a predator . We bought chicks from the same breeder with none making it past 6 weeks of age. So we ordered eggs off of another breeder(3 dozen and had 3 hatch) all of which died. So I gave up and then Greenfire put their breeders up for sale and my wife and kids bought them for me and we have had great success with them. Hatch rates are great and they are such gorgeous birds.
I think that there is some inbreeding issues with the Coros. When I first fell in love with this breed we bought eggs from a breeder twice with no hatch and once with two hatched and both eaten by a predator . We bought chicks from the same breeder with none making it past 6 weeks of age. So we ordered eggs off of another breeder(3 dozen and had 3 hatch) all of which died. So I gave up and then Greenfire put their breeders up for sale and my wife and kids bought them for me and we have had great success with them. Hatch rates are great and they are such gorgeous birds.
We got coronation sussex hatching eggs from BJs Poultry, in Powell, Michigan. Out of 4 shipped eggs, the broody smashed 2 about 17 days into it, the other 2 hatched. Both are pullets. Great big birds.
I believe his stock are from Greenfire farms. I would definitely order eggs again from him. Highly recommend him.
We got coronation sussex hatching eggs from BJs Poultry, in Powell, Michigan. Out of 4 shipped eggs, the broody smashed 2 about 17 days into it, the other 2 hatched. Both are pullets. Great big birds. 
I believe his stock are from Greenfire farms.  I would definitely order eggs again from him. Highly recommend him.

Unfortunately coro's don't make the best Broodiies. They tend to ' muscle down ' on the eggs as they are hatching. I now hatch mine under a silkie with 100% hatch rate. I managed to save this one after it's momma crushed it at hatch.


We just relocated our Coronations to the old garden plot. We had them 8n the horse pasture but it was a bit muddy with all our rain. I figured if I didn't like feeding them in it they wouldn't like living in it.

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