Corrugated sloped roof gap?


9 Years
Feb 11, 2010
North Tustin, CA
I am building a 4x4 elevated coop with run underneath that has a sloped roof for water to run down to the backside of the coop (not onto the run.) I have a plywood top that I am mounting to the frame of th coop (that the corrugated metal roofing will then attach to.) Before I am going to screw the roof down, I will put roofing felt in top of the plywood for waterproofing. However, I am anticipating sideways rain getting into the gaps of the top of the slope roof edge and have it run down the length of the roof. How do I seal the lip of the slope to prevent water going into those open gaps and running down the length of the roof and staying there? (Thus rotting the roof)

Any input and pictures would greatly help :)
So sorry....I c/p the wrong thing. Here is the one I meant to add. Not sure if this one or the strips would work best. If you go to Home Depot or Lowes ask. We have used the strips on a small greenhouse with a slanted lean-to type roof. Is it possible to omit the plywood and roofing felt and just use the metal roofing?
Why would I not add the plywood roof and roofing paper? Wouldn't water go directly into the coop thought the roof slots?
You need purlins or a plywood roof to support the metal.
I am currently in the build process and I am going to let the metal run long over the end of the plywood to prevent a lot that potential issue and I have thought about running a 1x4 pt board around the permimeter of the roof flat like the plywood as a spacer that's weather resistant if you get my meaning. It cost more for me to use 1x4 as purlins then to plywood the roof. coup is 20x24 A frame roof. there would be 28 1x4x12 or 15 sheets cheap OSB. Well now that I do some math on this its marginal in overall price 25.00. Now that I did the actual math and I may go with the 1x4 to prevent such rot issues altogether being such a marginal difference.
You may look at the 1x4 as purlins rather then to sheet the roof.

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