Coryza or something else?


6 Years
Apr 25, 2013
Hey y'all!

I have read through many threads about chicken colds and coryza and wanted to get some opinions on what may be wrong with one of my hens. We noticed it just last night. She is a red sex link that is about a month and a half old. One of her eyes is closed. Last night it was goopy. My first thought is coryza. We immediately quarantined her from the other 17 hens. She is eating normally, drinking normally, and acting normal. She is not coughing or wheezing. Out of concern that she may have a respiratory issue I got some Tylan 50. We gave her 1/4 cc four ours or so ago orally. I'm cleaned her eye with saline solution. She still isn't opening it. But there isn't any goop now. There is also no evidence of mucus/snot in her nostrils.

Is this how coryza begins? Again she still isn't showing any respiratory signs. We also dabbed some vet rx on her nostrils and under wings as recommended by other threads for respiratory issues. Perhaps she just got pecked in the eye or scratched if? She does have a dark patch under her Eye. Any advice would be appreciated. We just want to make sure we respond asap to any infections. It's very concerning! Thanks!

Welcome to BYC. Good job quarantining her, not many people do that and the consequences are usually disasterous to the rest of the flock.
Birds infected with coryza typically have a foul odor about their head area. With the lack of respiratory symptoms, I seriously doubt you're dealing with any disease at all. I agree that your bird was pecked in or around her eye. The dark patch below her eye appears to be dried blood. It's possible other birds might be picking/pecking at that spot Continue flushing her eye with saline solution, then put a little neosporin in her eye to prevent bacterial infection. Keep her seperated til she completely heals. Try gently washing/wiping the dried blood out of her feathers below her eye.
Dawg53 thanks for the advice and insight!
We are going to keep flushing her eye out and try the Neosporin. This morning when we flushed her eye we noticed almost like a string of gunk (gross but the only way I can think to describe it). I didn't want to rub at her eye to vigorously and it wouldn't seem to come out of her eye. I wonder if it isn't an eye worm? It doesn't seem to look like any other pictures of eye worm that I've seen online. Ill be sure to update the thread on her progress. Thanks again!
you can also try collidial silver for the eye. you can get the silver at a health food store. this will go directly into the eye. silver really is wonderful for eye infections! look up collidial silver for eye infections. you will see silver really works well. I really think this would benefit your bird!! if you can buy the bottle with the 500 ppms of silver its stronger. I know all health food stores carry it or you can order it online. I keep a bottle in my emergency kit for eye infections and such. this stuff really works Great! please give it a try. I believe it will really help out your birds eye. hope this is helpful and hope she heals really soon! I use silver on my birds if they get eye issues and its really been wonderful! I know your bird will benefit from it. just use two drops in the effected eye twice a day and you should see a huge improvement soon! best wishes

Thanks for your information as well. Ill have to make a trip to the health store and have silver on hand. I'll give it a try if I don't see any improvement from the flushing and a tad bit of antibiotic ointment. Thank you!

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