Coryza smell- does it last forever?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 28, 2013
North Central Florida
Hi Everyone! I am dealing with what I believe is Coryza. By girls all got it after I added a few chicks from a farm swap (stupid). I have given them all two courses of tylan 50.

All of my older layers have stopped laying. The pulleys seem to act healthy, but they still stink to high heaven. They only stink at the face. Not the body. Most do not show symptoms at all. A few have runny noses but no swelling or sneezing or trouble breathing.

I know that even if I chose to close my flock and treat them, they will always be carriers. But I can't take this smell. They are lap chickens and they love to be held. But they stink so bad!! I can't enjoy them.

I am considering culling the flock and starting over. I hate to do that, but I want healthy birds that my family can enjoy.

With Coryza, will the smell remain even with no symptoms?

Thanks for you help!
Hi Everyone! I am dealing with what I believe is Coryza. By girls all got it after I added a few chicks from a farm swap (stupid). I have given them all two courses of tylan 50.

All of my older layers have stopped laying. The pulleys seem to act healthy, but they still stink to high heaven. They only stink at the face. Not the body. Most do not show symptoms at all. A few have runny noses but no swelling or sneezing or trouble breathing.

I know that even if I chose to close my flock and treat them, they will always be carriers. But I can't take this smell. They are lap chickens and they love to be held. But they stink so bad!! I can't enjoy them.

I am considering culling the flock and starting over. I hate to do that, but I want healthy birds that my family can enjoy.

With Coryza, will the smell remain even with no symptoms?

Thanks for you help!

Are you sure it's coryza? Here's a link, please read the symptoms for coryza. There's more telltale symptoms than what you're seeing such as facial swelling. FYI: Treatment for coryza requires a sulfa drug such as sulmet in conjunction with tylan. It would be best to send a bird for necropsy to find out exactly what you're dealing with. You can contact your local extension office for more info.
Are you sure it's coryza? Here's a link, please read the symptoms for coryza. There's more telltale symptoms than what you're seeing such as facial swelling. FYI: Treatment for coryza requires a sulfa drug such as sulmet in conjunction with tylan. It would be best to send a bird for necropsy to find out exactly what you're dealing with. You can contact your local extension office for more info.

Thanks Dawg53

I'm 99% sure it is Coryza. I have given them sulmet as well as the Tylan. I have had several bird with facial swelling, labored breathing, sneezing, huge amounts of sticky mucus, etc. not all birds have had these symptoms. But they all have the smell and have had runny noses.

I have lost 5 birds to this illness.

I may send one for necropsy just to be positive.

I'm not sure if I'm interested in a closed flock. But I don't want to kill my girls either. :(
But we have them primarily for egg production. And we are only getting 1 egg a day out of 10 layers. My husband wants a healthy flock even if that means we have to start over.

My main question though is about the smell. Does anyone know if the smell will remain even of they are not showing symptoms??
Birds infected with coryza are carriers for life and will be shedders. They will have the foul odor for life since the disease itself stresses them.
I agree with your husband. It would be best to cull them, disinfect everything with oxine, and repopulate at least 6 months later if you wish.
Thanks Dawg53

I'm 99% sure it is Coryza. I have given them sulmet as well as the Tylan. I have had several bird with facial swelling, labored breathing, sneezing, huge amounts of sticky mucus, etc. not all birds have had these symptoms. But they all have the smell and have had runny noses.

I have lost 5 birds to this illness.

I may send one for necropsy just to be positive.

I'm not sure if I'm interested in a closed flock. But I don't want to kill my girls either. :(
But we have them primarily for egg production. And we are only getting 1 egg a day out of 10 layers. My husband wants a healthy flock even if that means we have to start over.

My main question though is about the smell. Does anyone know if the smell will remain even of they are not showing symptoms??
I'm curious what the smell is like. I have one chronically ill chicken that has a gross smell that I can't quite describe. My other chickens have had CRD symptoms which cleared up and there was never any smell, this one is a bit different, so maybe this one has coryza. I'm not sure....she could just have bad breath.

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