Cot Egg...Close to Lavender in color~ How can I preserve it?

The Critter Place

8 Years
Aug 13, 2011
Tucson, Az.
One of our Coturnix gave us a beautiful egg almost lavender in color.

I've been interested in learning how to blow them out and preserve the egg for crafts. Has anyone done this?

Here's the egg, the camera did NOT really catch it's true color. It really is more lavender than it looks.


Poke a hole on both ends of the egg with a push pin, and then blow through one of the holes until everything in the egg is out. After I think everything is out I put some water into the egg and blow that out. When I am all finished I put the egg in the microwave (for 10 seconds at a time) to dry anything still in the egg.
I know some people that blow out their eggs fill them with some type of glue that does not expand, I think its rubber cement, they do that to make sure the egg is not crushed. I have some "fart eggs" that are 1/3 the size of a standard egg, I am going to blow them out when I get a chance but until I do I am keeping them in the fridge so they dont rot
Hi Everyone!
Thanks for the input! I was wondering if there is anything that should be applied to the outside?

I've heard of these eggs being made into Christmas Ornaments, which is something i'm interested in.

If anyone has cool eggs they'd like to add please do! :)
Just put it in a safe place in your refrigerator and leave it for a few months. The interior will gradually dehydrate, leaving an almost empty, intact eggshell. I have done this with several eggs. The bigger the egg the longer it takes. I have my bantam am's first little tiny pullet egg, now 3 months old, sitting on my kitchen windowsill. The egg will only go bad if it is cracked or infected inside.

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