Coturnix Hatching!*Update-31 hatched so far*


In the Brooder
10 Years
Mar 6, 2009
Valley of the scorched earth
Yes, we have pips! Now I just have to sit on my hands and try to be patient. Not one of my virtues.
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Its probably like Cristmas Eve, hard to sleep.

Exactly what i was thinking! No way i will be able to sleep if my little Quail started peeping right before bedtime!
I do it otherwise I drive myself insane staring at eggs wondering if i just saw movement or not. No matter how many chicks i've hatched im still excited but if they are pipping near my beddy bye time i just give up and go to bed I just erase it from my mind and wake up and remember what may be inthe bator and i listen...and normally hear faint "pee pee peeps"
Monarc23-do they really hatch that fast? I was just kind of expecting to wake up tomorrow to find that they had started zipping, not that they had already hatched! I have friends that want to come see these babies hatch and will wring my neck if I just call them and say "oops, guess they hatched while I was snoozing."
Can't say that I've seen any progress in the 2 hours or so that DH noticed some pips.
OK, just answered my own question. We did what you said and went to bed. In the morning there were only 2 little fluffy buts and they were so wet and wobbly that they couldn't have hatched more than 20 minutes or so before we got up. By Sunday night, we had 28 hatched. As of Monday morning we've got 30 total with one more working on zipping. 19 are in the brooder now with the rest still in the incubator. So that's:

55 eggs shipped
4 cracked, not set
2 candled clear at 14 days, removed
10 candled questionable at 14 days, set to one side in bator (none have hatched)
39 viable as of day 14
30 hatched so far
9 left that may still hatch

We are still on day 18. Not bad at all for a first hatch using shipped eggs.
My kids were thrilled and we had throngs of neighbors and their kids here all glued to the incubator and watching the hatch.

Edited to add: My DH commented "It's like Christmas, except the presents open themselves"
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haha awh! Yes normally a bunch hatch at once. they seem to hatch in groups. I can't wait to see how my huge batch does in my better incubator i'm really excited about it! LOL! and happy for you ofcourse!

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