Coturnix quail eggs for sale $.30 each from KY

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the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I'm going to try and do this a different way.
Eggs are $.30 each plus shipping to your zip. You can choose eggs from all pens or one pen, it doesn't matter. I'm getting about 19 eggs a day right now from all of them together, and I have 9 or 10 days that aren't spoken for yet.

Pen 1--Maximum of 24 eggs at one time--Jumbo brown coturnix
Pen 2--Maximum of 12 eggs at one time--White coturnix (pharoah sized)
Pen 3--maximum of 9 eggs at one time--Tuxedos (pharoah sized)
Pen 4--maximum of 9 eggs at one time--golden, rosetta, and pharoah hens with golden roo (all pharoah sized)
Pen 5--maximum of 10 eggs at one time--cinnamon roo with cinnamon, red-golden, and tuxedo hens

Please post sold and pm me with your order.
Eggs are available from the 7th through the 15th.
I should have about 18 or so eggs total available on Tuesday from all the pens, then that same amount everyday would be available for collection until the 15th of September.
So if you want some from all the pens or just from a couple, just let me know how many
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I would like to have about 4 or 5 days worth about 80 to 100. all pens would be ol that way i can pick the ones i like

shipping would be to 30540
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