Coturnix Quail

yeppers bsaffles said it right. I dont know of anyone yet personally who's sucessfully got their coturnix to sit. But it would be neat to hear how someone did it. Im sure mimicing their natural habitat as much as possible could make it so, but yes normally you have to collect or set them under a silkie...that's how the chinese did it for many years (with silkies).
WoW thats a good idea i was wanted to write you it sounds like you know alot about coturnix quail but i didnt want to bother you theey are only about 10 weeks old i was going to put them in my flight pen.I bought 48 eggs back in jan and hatched 15 i thinks that good for my 2nd hatch i guess i need to get a silkie thanks for the help, Kim
you'd never be bothering me! PM me ANYTIME!
You might regret that i have never raised them before and have alot of questions. p.s. is the flight pen bad causes sounds like most people put them in smaller pens the flight pen is 20x40? thanks Kim

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