Cougars, Bears, Coyotes, Foxes, Raccoons, Weasels, Hawks, Owls, Eagles

I see your point....but if it comes down to my pets or a wolf, the wolf is going bye bye. Also, we have many apex predators already--mainly cougars and black, these wolves were introduced into this area. They haven't been in WA state since the 1930's and I'm not even sure they were ever in this particular area. So we were here first. I've seen them in Montana and Wyoming. They are beautiful, smart animals and I respect them and their right to live. But just not at my expense or loss.
I wasn't implying that you specifically were making this a witch hunt, I've just seen these things escalate out of control, particularly in regard to wolves. The same thing happens with bears in areas where people haven't taken the time to understand them.

They haven't been in WA state since the 1930's and I'm not even sure they were ever in this particular area. So we were here first.

And, as another point of clarification, the historic range of the grey wolf was almost all of the continental US.


So, while they may not have been there in any of our lifetimes, it was originally their home and we pushed them out.

It surprises many people to learn that grizzlies used to be plains animals, ranging throughout Nebraska and Kansas, but were pushed into the mountains by settlers as little as 200 years ago.

My whole point is, humans are the apex species, and we've been given the gift of logical thought. So, it's our responsibility to take precautions against allowing our pets and livestock to become prey, not to punish the wild animals for acting exactly as they have for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.​
I just can't believe that wolves can be as big as a deer, I mean 180 is, hope they don't get your chickies......Yeah we are overrun with fox here....I am sure there are wolves here, but I have never seen one, I live in upstate NY the Adirondack area and it's got lot's of critters......I know there are alot of Coy dogs around here, but I don't really know what a coy dog is, maybe its a half wolf half coyote??? not safe
I am confused. If he catches the wolves attacking his sheep, he can't shoot them?
Your vet either exaggerates or needs to contact the Guinness Book of World Records. The largest New World wolf ever recorded was 175 pounds.

That's just what he said. I know we've had 180lb cougars, but I didn't realize wolves got that big!! The ones I saw in Yellowstone were around 100lbs, maybe 120?

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