Could it be bedbugs? & they're coming to Christmas - UH OH

How did it go? Was thinking of you's today.. I hope it went well, and you never got pulled over for driving naked!

Hopeing when you got to them this time, there was some remarkable improvment
Why does she think it's bed bugs? It could be fleas. BTW, you can get bedbugs in even posh establishments.
I forgot to mention we were attacked by bedbugs when we stayed in Mexico. I didn't know it was bedbugs until much later. We didn't discard anything and we didn't take any precautions. We didn't take any bedbugs home either. At least we never saw any signs of them.
Yeah, it would certainly get us in the doghouse if we stay away. And in all likelyhood, they would just come to our house when they leave Gr'ma's - we're only a few miles down the road -- so that would bring the problem to my house which is what we are trying to avoid.

So I think we've decided to go. We'll all try to be as careful as possible.

DH & I talked, we are thinking that we might put a change of clothes in the barn for each family member & wear clothes that can sustain high heat and multiple washings. We'll put any gifts we receive into a rubbermaid tote and put that in the back of the truck. Come home and go straight to the barn - change into clothes we set out, bag up clothes we were wearing and bring them inside to the washer for a few repeated washings and then several cycles on high heat in the dryer.

As to the gifts, if it is something someone really LOVEs and it is fabric, we can wash it and run it through the dryer a few cycles on high heat. If it is something you can live without it can go to the brush pile for burning. The good news is, they usually only give each of us one gift, so it should be pretty easy to handle those (and 9 out of 10 years, their gift to me goes straight to the goodwill box anyway, so it won't be much different for me

I guess now I'm starting to think about how we are going to have to handle them long-term. Since their ideas of how to handle this are not going to work, and they don't think it's a big deal anyway . . . . . . . . it's not going away any time soon

oh my.... too funny... sorry 4 laughing. how did it go today. did you change in the barn and burn the presents. yikes. just dying to know???????
It actually went ok! Gifts were giftcards so that was cool - and non buggy. And DH had asked for a rough tote from his mom, so we all deposited our cards promptly right in there. His mom gave us each a small gift, mostly movies or CD's and they went right into the tote as well. We actually didn't wear different clothes - we just made sure to sit on wooden kitchen chairs alone, not grouped on the couch with them.

I did spy some spots on BIL's arm so it looks like the buggies are liking him too. It did look like SIL's spots on her arms, some were in lines or groups of three, but there were so many, it's hard to tell, LOL.

I think we all lived and didn't drag anything home, and didn't make any enemies - so it was a good day
does that family have children in that enviorment? i think a call to special services should be contacted. imo.
I read the beginning thread and made my comments a while ago. but, thats just gross. sorry. I know its your family. but its very wrong to let these people live with animals and small children (if they have them))) wrong wrong wrong.

btw: i dont mean to hurt your feelings. I just feel someone should step in... like the authoritys.
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Doesn't hurt my feelings -- they are the in-laws, not my peeps

Yes, they have one kid still at home (18) and the other is at college, but comes home to visit. They went to visit her and said they got the bed bugs from the hotel they stayed in.

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