could my 4 month old BO possibly be egg bound?


8 Years
Jun 1, 2011
I've been reading through the egg bound threads, haven't ran into a situation like mine. My chickens are 4 months old, haven't laid eggs yet. My BO looks the most ready as her comb is very red and larger - compared to the others.

I was mowing the lawn about 5:30pm and decided that I could put the some of the grass clippings in the run because they love scratching through it and crickets like to hide in them. Well I was probably making a 3rd trip to the run to empty the bag and my chickens are very shy, they would go to another side of the run when I went to dump the clippings in there. I noticed my BO was wattling away - like a duck. I though I might have caught her while she was trying to lay and scared her off.

I grabbed her and put her in the nesting box, and waited but she just paced back and forth in the coop wanting to be with her sisters. So I let her back out and she has been walking around normally. I think it might have been a missed opportunity for her to lay an egg, I might have scared her out of it? But it seems to me that she prefers to lay in the grass clippings as this morning she was standing in a nest that she made just this morning.

She doesn't seem swollen or going bald on the back end, her apetite is good, poop is good, she is a little heavier than the others. A few of them make that laying song in the morning (bawk bawk bawkaah) I definitely know it's her and the RIR that do it, not sure who the other is. I put some white ping pong balls in the nesting boxes.

They are fed Nutrena Chick Starter with crushed oyster shells mixed in and every 2-3 days I give them scratch grains with oyster shell mix in. They also get tomatoes from my garden, and whatever vegetable or fruit peels and scraps from the kitchen.

What am I doing wrong? When should I start to worry? (Well I'm already worried)

I know what to do in case she's egg bound, but is this the first sign?
I once read on here that grass clippings are dangerous because they can clog up the birds' digestive system... I'll see if I can find the thread for you. Also, there is another thread that shows what happens when a girl has internal laying issues. I'll try to find that one too, it has a video of how they walk.
I wouldn't worry about her being eggbound at this time, based on what you described. The 'waddling' description got my attention, but if she was then walking around normally with the rest of the girls, I'd say she's fine. Try not to spend time over in the "Emergency/Illness" thread - I think it just plants ideas in our heads and makes us Maybe she squatted when you came over to dump more grass clippings, and she was moving away coming out of a squat??
An eggbound hen will waddle, but she'll stay tucked up a bit/kind of hunched, and the waddle won't just go away a few minutes later.
Well, I can't find the one about grass clippings, but it's been a while since I read it. Most of the threads I looked at while trying to find it said grass clippings are fine for them. Whatever is going on with her I hope she feels better soon.
Thanks - I know what you mean about the grass clippings being dangerous, we have them surrounding our gardcen and before we had a run for them, they used to scratch through there and get all the bugs. I'll watch to make sure they're not eating them, my intention is for bugs to want a hiding place in the run, and for my girls to find them.

That's what I'm hoping for - that I caught her in midsquat lol when I searched wattling chicken all I got were the emergencies/illnesses/injuries threads and one mentioned Merek's *shudders* LOL but yeah I know what you mean, I should try not to spend a lot of time there
I found a thread on grass clippings, I have a mulching mower so the clippings are fairly short. Next time I'll make sure to dry out the clippings before I put them in the run

I figured she wasn't ready to lay for at least another month or two although she has developed faster than her other "sisters"

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