Could my hen have a disease instead of an injury?

I am very sorry I did not see this posting before now...
If a necropsy is to be done it then according to the information I have read and the refernce information at ezboard BYC (ROB> perhaps you could sticky these links or info?) then the bird should really not be frozen...please see the following links for info on NECROPSY (autopsy) and where to find the contact to have it done in your state (second link)... Diana
There is a good article on featherfanciers regarding Mareks. The vaccine is available but it is my understanding that it is most effective on new chicks. There was discussion as to whether vaccinated bird are carriers. Check out the article because I don't remember as is the case with so many things these days.

Also keep in mind that some birds will survive Merecks and those birds will have an immunity to the disease. Many people feel it is best to try and breed a flock that is Mareck resistant because it is so prevalent. Just some food for thought.

There are other things that could have caused your birds symptoms. Botulism comes to mind as well as a possible injury to the head or neck. I am hoping that is the case and not Mareks. If you get anymore sick birds Diana has given you the right information. I hope you don't need to use it.

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