Could the Strange Behavior of my Ameraucana Pullet Be Marek's????


In the Brooder
Mar 19, 2015
Hello all. Once again I turn to you becauce I'm freaking out about my chickens! I love them so, but i do think they will be the death of me!

2 weeks ago, i introduced 3, 6 week old pullets to my flock. All were wild and curious! 2 days ago, i noticed my Ameraucana, Sam, is acting a little listless. The birds are still being kept in a large dog crate in the run, so I thought maybe she was just bored. Also, the last few days have been very hot, 90 degrees plus, so I considered that.

Today on one of my multiple daily visits to the coop, i picked up Sam who had been frightened by a lawn mower, to try to calm her down. Upon placing her back in the cage I noticed she had extended her left wing and not retracted it. After a few seconds she did so, but it was definitely delayed. I reached in, grabbed the same wing and manually extended it. The same again. She left it extended, then slowly retracted it. I tried this on my other pullets and they would not even allow me to move their wings. So now I'm spooked. Could this be symbolic of Marek's disease???

I suddenly lost a chicken last Monday to an unknown ailment and am awaiting the results of a necropsy. Could I be over reacting?
just a question. Where did your new birds come from? Hatchery or private sale? Did you quarantine your new birds before introducing them to the flock?
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I bought all of them from my local feed store who has an excellent reputation, and yes, I quarantined them for 6 weeks. This just started today, 2 days shy of the birds being 8 weeks.
So are the birds still in the dog crate? What exactly is their situation. When birds lay down with their wings out and legs out they're too hot.. 90 is quite hot... I had a chick die at around 6 or 7 weeks that had symptoms very suspiciously like mareks.. yours on the other hand sounds like exhaustion/heat ? Maybe you could take a pictures?

this link is helpful to explain everything about mareks
Thanks for the advice rlbrand! They are actually still spending most of their time in the crate. After I posted this yesterday, I decided that it was time to start introductions, hoping they the problem was due to confinement and the heat. She is still acting very weak, so I'm keeping an eye on her, but running around the coop for a few hours a day has definitely agreed with her!

I'll try to get some pictures tomorrow. As the situation stands now, she is eating ravenously, drinking plenty and her droppings are solid and of normal color. My concern at the moment is while she is running around and more like her little curious self, she is still weak. Case in point. If she is standing still, I can walk right up to her and give a little nudge and she will fall over :( As I said, other symptoms have improved greatly, but the poor little thing barely has the strength to stand.
Just keep an eye on her, you might want to just separate her in a comfortable place until she can fully recover. other birds tend to pick on a weaker or sick bird..

keep us update, hope for a speedy recovery.
Thank you so much rlbrand for your support :)

She is actually doing much better! I've been giving her more free time in the coop. Turns out my overprotective nature was the cause.

Once I comitted to introducing her to the big girls everything changed. She is now strong and hearty. She's put on so much weight that I'm thinking she's eating to much ;)

I'm sure she is out of the woods and your kind words and advice facilitated her recovery.

Thank you!
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Just an after thought.

When I introduce my new chickens to my flock, I first keep the separated where they can see each other, but I only did this for a day. I used some old garden stakes and chicken wire to make a barrier from the big flock. Make sure they have shade/ cool place to escape the heat and food and water. Then I let them all mingle, but I always make sure there is a place that the younger birds can escape to that the older birds can't get them. I have used totes fliped upside down with a hole cut in them the size of the small chickens. I have also just put them in a run where there is a lot of tall grass and shrubs for them to go hide in if needed. The big birds will always peck at the little ones in the beginning it is nature and you can't fight it. It just has to be that way, for them to set their natural order. I think as long as you have a safe haven for the little ones for a few days so they can have some relief if they're getting a little extra pecked then you are doing the best you can. I have however had the little ones sleep in the dog crate or other safe box at night in the coop for first couple nights just so i know they're safe, but only a couple nights then let them learn to sleep with the flock. Of course I always check on them quite frequently their first few days learning to join the flock, but so far have been blessed with little issues.

Sounds like you care for your chickens a lot, and you are doing well.
Thank u again for the advice! All of my girls are mingling beautifully at the moment. I have bee keeping a crate in the coop for bedtime but I'm going to remove it this evening since they are doing so well. Wish me luck!

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