Could this be possible?


May 11, 2022
We have 9 chickens, 6 are just now getting to egg laying age, 2 Isa Browns, 2 Black Stars, and 2 Rhode Island Reds are 17 weeks. We had one egg this week with I'm pretty sure was one of the Isa Browns.

We currently have an Isa Brown in the nesting box, we have a rock that is egg shaped in there as well, she is sitting on it like she laid it, and is putting it under her. The other girls are interested in what she is doing, but she isn't laying that we know of, just sitting on the rock. Isa Browns and especially younger chicks are not supposed to go broody, but could this be what has happened? She's been in there more than an hour. One of the black stars have been going over and hanging out in the box with her occasionally, too. Is she just young and inexperienced?

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