Could this bird actually be broody?


7 Years
May 24, 2012
I'm a bit bewildered. One of my pullets has decided to stay in the nesting box. She didn't come out when I opened the runs to let the birds free range for a few hours, and normally she'd be clamoring at the gate with the rest of them. I went in a couple of times to talk to her. She made some odd little noises, but let me pet her and reach under her and remove her egg and her sister's. Tonight, instead of roosting with the rest of the girls, she is still in the box. She doesn't look sick or ruffled up or anything. She is only about 25 weeks old, and has been laying for a little over a month now. She had her first sexual experience yesterday, and didn't seem too happy about it. is she depressed now? Do chickens go broody this young? Oh, she's a BCM, and pretty much lays an egg a day, with one day off every week or so. Her name is Megan.
I had a buff bantam Cochin go broody shortly after laying her first egg last year. I call that sound you hear the hen growl. When I reach toward a broody hen, they do that low growl and puff their feathers up a bit. She sounds broody.
Awww, she wants to be a mother...and she's just a kid herself. Thank you for the replies. I always thought they went broody much later, like after they were a year old or something. She's my most adventurous chicken, always the first to explore new things, wandering further than the others when I let them out. But I am actually expecting a couple packages of hatching eggs this Thursday. Just set up the incubator yesterday. So I could spare a few for her, if that will make her happy.

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