Could this work?

How funny!!! Great minds think alike, right??!!??

So you didnt put the chicken house inside, you just attached it? Have you had any problem whatsoever with predators with that?
not sence i put cement around the bottom edge of the wire. and covered the top with 2"x4" dog wire .......building is outside.
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I think what I would do, rather than the cement, is to dig a trench and set the sides of the run down in the trench. Since its 6 foot tall, you could easily put a foot in the ground and leave enough room to mosey around inside the pen. Only because Im not cement-wise....tho if it would turn out like my last batch of biscuits, it would be PERFECT! I was thinking how I was going to divvy up the room in my new Chicken Condo...I wont have to do it near as much as I thought I would with a pen like this for the breeders.
That is what I have as my main pen for 8 chickens. Works great, top is covered and bottom is wired.

BUT! Predators CAN get through the chain link! I witnessed it, possums, if you dont shut them in at night they wont be safe. I have a doghouse in mine....


Great pics, Tiffany! I was thinking of that too...possums can get thru those holes??? I was thinking of covering the chain link with 1/2 or 1 inch netting to take care of that problem. I love your set up, its gorgeous. Doghouse, great idea there. Funny I didnt think of that, being as this is a DOG KENNEL....
Oh...for those of you who have this pen and have put it together, would there be any way to buy 2 of them and put them together to make a much bigger yard? I didnt look at the directions close enough to see if it could be modified that way. If so, I might be able to use them for the runs on my main coop.

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