Couple of random noobie questions


Mar 21, 2016
East TN
Everytime I go to my chicken run, my "head hen" Makes this noise. It has been happening for about 2 weeks now. Is this a sign of her being dominate, or just asking for treats. Sometimes when I enter the run, she puffs her feathers all out. She does not charge or show any dominance (in my opinion, not sure how a chicken would). Its the far right chicken with the white on her tail


The same chicken, whenever I get to close to her, she squats her butt all the way down, like how a dog would poop. I have been checking and she does not produce anything. Is she ok? I have heard some people say this means she is going to lay an egg, but she is only 3 months and a couple of days old (red sexlink)

Last question. I have a 5 gallon poop bucket. I throw their waste which is covered in pdz into the bucket. It also has some pine shavings. I have drilled holes on the side of the bucket. I am trying to make a compost bucket. What all material would I need to add to make it break down (new to compost) I appreciate all the help!
Ok, I went out to her just now and petted her. She is squatting very low and letting me pet her, then she ruffles up her feathers and walks away. I did get some pictures, sorry if they are not the best. Her butt is usually on the ground. I did notice her comb is much more red and larger than my other red sex links ( i am wondering if she is older now, she also looks much different)


When she does it, her butt does go all the way to the ground at first, then she pops it back up before I can get a picture.

Could use some help. first time chicken owner, just need to make sure I get everything correct or if something is wrong with her.
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I am new here too but my girls are doing this too. I have been told that this is a sign that they are going to lay soon. Hope this eases your mind some.
Ok thank you for the reply. We picked them up actually March 22, and they maybe be a week or two older than that. We thought that was way to young to lay an egg.
Your hen is asking to be mated, she will probably start laying within the next few weeks. They also get very vocal before. When she squats and you pet her, you are basically mating her, next time wiggle your hand around, yes I have done it. You obviously don't have a rooster. Some sex link hens will start very early laying, especially if fed a higher protein diet. So your girl is getting close.
Your hen is asking to be mated, she will probably start laying within the next few weeks. They also get very vocal before. When she squats and you pet her, you are basically mating her, next time wiggle your hand around, yes I have done it. You obviously don't have a rooster. Some sex link hens will start very early laying, especially if fed a higher protein diet. So your girl is getting close.

Is me wiggling my hand around going to make her mate faster? How many times a day dhould I do this? I guess I'll get her nesting box ready
No, it's just something I do.
You don't actually have to do it. It just seems to make them happy. They will often stop squatting after they begin laying. You can ignore them too. Hopefully you get your first egg soon.

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