
Jul 24, 2020
we have been having a coyote problem they have been taking birds in broad daylight with the dog out we almost lost daisy duck and pumpkin the guinea hen is missing
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that 😢.
I would recommend scaring the coyotes away with another dog or a repellent of some kind. You could also trap the coyotes and take care of them that way.
What breed of dog do you have? Border collies and McNab dogs are good dogs to protect your flock from predators. I’ve never heard of coyotes stealing birds in broad daylight with a dog out but if you get your dog to marks it’s territory over the property then the coyotes stay away. My dog does that and I haven’t seen any predators in my yard in awhile.
thk and a update daisy is better and finally out with her sister in the coop again and pumpkin showed up wet and muddy i think the coyote got her and she escaped because hours later she appeared after we searched the whole yard over and over
She can't be everywhere, and coyotes are smart.
Electric fencing is your friend!!! You can set it up in one day, bait it, and keep those coyotes and foxes out.
I agree. I have electric wires around my coops and pens and nothing has gotten to my birds. We had a coyote problem. A neighbor had some dens on his land so he let some hunters on it to hunt them. It appears they did. I did hear some shooting towards his property and have been seeing far few coyotes. Previously I had been seeing them on my cameras nightly and some nights 2, 3 or 4 of them. After the hunt I did see three together one night but mostly singles now and then.
Coyotes are nearly impossible to trap. I tried a live trap because we have had quite a few neighbors divide their properties and sell off parcels so quite a few new homes have been built in our area. I have caught cats. I have seen dogs but haven't caught any. I did get a vulture, a couple of fox and a bobcat. The ones I caught did kill some of my birds. They made the mistake of coming back for more. The others I released.
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as animal lovers we refuse to hunt them and relocating can be bad for the environment we are still having problems even though we literally now have 2 dogs in the yard the new one is a hunting dog so
If you refuse to kill the predators, then your only option is a secure coop and run. I love animals too, but have no prob killing a predator after my livestock.

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