
I'd try buying a coyote call from Cabelas or a similar store and try calling them in. Not sure how much room you have to safely shoot but a rifle with a decent scope would be my choice.
the best call I found has been one of those cheap squeaker calls, knight and hail I prefer, looks like a little bulb easy to squeeze and when the animal gets close you can put it in your mouth to frre up your hands.

If they are going to your coop, I would set up in position where I had a safe and clear shot around coop. I know people that have shot them out of there bath rooms, lol
i think i might call the game warden tomorrow - hubby has gone out several times but has yet to get one.
Where are u located in nc? i'm on 17 just across state line in va and work in elizabeth city. We're in the heart of the dismal swamp and have LOTS of coyotes, foxes, bears, etc. here--
Make them come to you, on your place. After all the scent of the entire family is already there and the Coyote will expect it to be there. Not out in the woods in his "safe zone". I used a wounded rabbit call years ago then started calling them in with a cassette tape that I got at a sporting goods store. Worked better and my hands stayed a lot warmer too.
There's something I've been dying to try and I bet it might work in your case, just as piece of mind. However nothing would be more foolproof than lying in wait with your .22-250. That would turn them inside out.

Anyway, I have an idea for a kind of night watchman sort of thing. You know those lights that have an eye that flicks the light on when you get home or whatever? My friend has one and every time a cat, squirrel, or whatever walks through the driveway, the light turns on. When I see one on sale, I'll buy it. Here's what I'm thinking. Instead of a bulb, I'll strip the wires that light the bulb, twist them together, and thread in a pack of those little firecrackers. So when the light turns on, it ignites the fuse...."Bang ba ba bang bang bang!!!" No idea if it would work, but it would be neat to try....

I bet it would scare whatever it was two weeks from Tuesday!!!
Not a good idea at all. If you're lucky, you will just blow a fuse or trip a breaker but you could start your house on fire if the circuit is not protected for some reason.

Stick with the .22-250
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They're most likely wanting to hunt them because many localities place bounties (usually $50-$75) on coyotes; at least that's how they are here in VA.
THe neighbors a mile over hunt the whole area, not very effectively because we still have coyotes in our pasture.

It makes me mad that they do it because our property is bordered by public land, so these guys take their hunting dogs within 50 feet of my yard, which makes my dogs crzy, then the guys tell me that my dogs are messing up their hunt. What EVER. I would maybe do something if you were actually getting rid of the things, but we just had to go push our pasture timber on Sunday night because we saw coyotes eyeballing the calves...

I might pen up the dog and put out poisin if they dont get under control soon, we are gone for 10 hours a day and live in a low traffic area so they can come up to the house any time they want. I know poison is controverisal, but we dont have a lot of options in our situation since no one is home to shoot them when they come out int he day time.

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