Crack in an egg??


9 Years
Jun 18, 2010
Ruston Louisiana
I recently was given 6 rio grande wild turkey eggs to hatch by my neighbor. One got craked though and I just now realized it. Will the egg be okay or is it no good. It didnt crack the membrane yet just fractured the shell then it go pushed in a little. I would post a pic but dont know how.
I got a cracked egg last week, no ruptured membrane...I just use elmers glue since it is non-toxic to try to keep it from losing too much moisture. It is growing just fine with the rest, all shipped. I have sucessfully hatched cracked ones before, I just keep a closer eye on it.....
several people on here have successfully hatched cracked eggs. Duct tape, masking tape, clear tape, nail polish, white glue, super glue have all been used.
haha I would never have thought of masking tape, but then none of my eggs were cracked in shipment because the lady I got my eggs from knew just how to wrap and ship. Hi Lisa!!

Donna in Branson
Well I just candeled it and it is doing fine.
I still say elmers glue is the best....non-toxic, easy for the chick to get through, dries easy....

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