Craigs List Flaggers need to get a life!


10 Years
May 12, 2009
campton NH
I posted two rats, that we are selling/re-homing because we just don't have the time for them, with all the birds. Well i got soo much hate mail, it wasn't funny, and yet at the same time, not one single "you animal hater" e-mail in response to posting up a free rooster. Personally I was raised to respect all animals, and treat them with respect. A rooster is no different, and deserves no less respect than a dog. One of our roosters, actually comes into the house, for "cuddle time." So where's the hate mail for me posting the rooster?

Please don't spam me with mail here, i just don't understand people at times.
My best guess is that you were trying to sell the rats, which isn't allowed. Ditto for cats, dogs, and other house pets. At most, you're allowed to ask for a "rehoming" fee. Just don't say "sell."

Roosters, on the other hand, are considered farm animals, so selling them is allowed.

The bigger problem is people thinking that it's better to give an animal away than it is to sell it. If they can't afford the pet, they sure can't afford the feed and vet services it'll need after being adopted.

Kathy, Bellville TX
Yup..they REALLY need to get a life..
i have someone flagging my ads for chickens because theirs died-i asked if they wanted to come and get 3 more at no cost-since it was a 4her or would like a refund-what place does that?
instead she went nuts and has been flagging my posts saying that i 'intentionally' sold sick chickens....funny the folks that got 10-50 from me have only lost a few and usually to predators....yes it is time for some folks to get a life and DO THE HOMEWORK before they get ANY animal.the chicken queen in california
Not at all!
I'm making plans to meet in parkinglots. Why does that sound shady all of a sudden? LOL! Anyways, I figured if they are a nut case, being in a public spot will reduce the chances of them trying anything.
another thing that bother's me a bit, is when they think they are hamsters, they think they're cute, but when they hear they're mice or rats, they freak out and give weird looks. For example, i was at a swap, and i had these guys, with my chicks, and everyone thought they were hamsters. When i mentioned that they were an exotic mouse/rat, they freaked and gave weird looks like i had three heads. This was at a "barnyard swap, so "non-chicken animals" were allowed. It just strikes me as really funny that people would think it's cute under their ignorance, but hate it when they understand what it is. I should have sold them as hamsters.
But honestly I'm not that mean

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