CRAIGSLIST: Dumb stuff callers say when answering your listing

"Do you take payments?"

"Absolutely!" and they sigh with relief. "You keep coming over and paying me until you have paid off the car, and then you get the keys!"

[puzzled look on their sad faces] "But.... we want to take it now."

"I thought you said you wanted to make payments." [my own pretend puzzled look] "Wal-Mart doesn't give you the clothes and then just pray you make your lay-away payments so...."
I heard there is a Jewish sect that uses roosters as sacrafices for the redemption for sin. I heard that in the past month.....

Since chickens are kosher (and Muscovy ducks are kosher in Israel, but not in the US), I'm not quite sure how the kosher claw thing works. I have had friends who were Orthodox or Conservadox and I was rather surprised to learn that. (Turkeys are kosher, although there was a good deal of debate about the matter.)

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