Crazy about Crochet? Nutty about Knitting?

I loved crochet as a kid. But I wanted to make sweaters. Since my access to yarn was mostly Red Heart (I hadn't discovered wool yet), the sweaters I made were big and bulky and I rarely wore them. So I decided I better learn to like knitting.

The knitting bug bit me -- HARD! -- and I learned to love wool and good quality yarn. And to spin my own. I tried to make a small business of spinning and knitting, but I couldn't make enough $$$, so it had to go back to being a hobby. Maybe if I lived in NYC, but here people wouldn't pay for handspun, handknit, one-of-a-kind sweaters. Or I didn't get into the right venues, I don't know.

I got a job that had lots of computer time, and had to put knitting on the back burner, as carpal tunnel issues were a real concern. Now that I'm retired, I have been courting the knitting bug, to see if it'll come back and bite me again.
Sorry to hear you have problem with your hands. That can be very painful. Hopefully you will get back into doing some yarn projects soon .
There were times I crocheted so much that I caused a repetitive motion injury in one of my hands...and there are times when I start and quit 5 projects at once... and sometimes (rarely), I'll complete something like this:

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Or this:

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And then give them away...

I also like to knit socks.
Do try to get into finishing the things you start. It's so easy to get into a habit of tirning of things half way through. From what I see your work is really lovely. Your very talented indeed.
ive always wanted to croche but i dont know any one and ive falied youtube
Well it is difficult if your trying on your own. If you want to try again I'm sure folk here will try to help. It's hard on the internet though. So much easier when you can sit beside someone. Don't give up though! Oes😎
I first learned to knit, then learned how to crochet much later. I mostly learned from some of my grandma's books from the 1960s! I do like the flexibility of crochet when it comes to making shapes or switching colors. Here's some past projects I made from online patterns:
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Wow these are magnificent!!! I LOVE THE THROW!!! Do you have the pattern? Oes😎
I do some knitting and I’ve tried crochet. But all I made was half a dozen shawls. If I was just going to do a big blanket I would crochet but I prefer knitting. I never quite got the hang of crochet. I could never figure out how to go up to the new row without adding or losing a stitch on the end. I don’t do as much these day though since I’m so busy. I have some more intricate projects I’ve done but they are in storage or were done as gifts and I’ve lost the photos. Currently I’m working on a basic hat as a gift for a friends birthday. Luckily chunky yarn is forgiving since it’s been a year since I finished a project and I’m a little rusty.View attachment 2569108View attachment 2569109
These are lovely well done!!! I love the scarf Oes😎
It was lovely to see so many post on here. Great to see so many lovely projects.
Right now I have a shawl on the go in crochet and a knitted baby matteny jacket.


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While I technically know how to knit (or did, anyway), I prefer crochet. Maybe because I learned it first. My grandma was a crocheter and tried to teach me but never seemed to take me beyond the chain stitch. Or maybe back then I just didnt' show enough interest.
It was my college roommate who really taught me to crochet. While I've made several afghans, hats, scarves, etc, I really prefer thread crochet.
For many years I did pattern testing for a crochet designer--she'd send me the pattern, and I'd make the item (mostly doilies and other thread things)--I would let her know of errors in the written pattern, so that it was correct when published.
Here are a few things I made while testing her patterns:


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I've also made other things, including an African violet I cannot kill, some tiny angels which were great for teacher gifts when the kids were in school, some 'nonfattening' chocolates and some fruit that doesn't go bad.


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