Crazy bird


11 Years
Sep 15, 2008
Milford Ct
We spent all day rebuilding my 4 month pullet Vivian's house because we are expecting back to back Northeaster rain storms. Her old house was converted and made better and secure. I came home tonight from my son's game and she is sleeping out in the run. We put her in the house and shut up the door. The question is will she go there by herself the next nights? It is starting to get cold at night here. If we had not checked on her, she would have camped out. I have three six week old silkies and one two month old mix in a seperate coop and run. We have been trying to blend them during the day when they free range. Anyone have any thoughts on the right time or the right way to mix them up?
Why can't we all just get along???
Thanks. I know you experts are out there.
I am so glad we moved her in last night as it has rained about 3 inches since 10:00 last night. I am thinking she has been roosting outside for some time now, because when we went to rebuild, I noticed her coop was not very dirty.
Could someone comment on how to get her to stay inside? We are due much more rain this weekend.
It may take a couple of nights of putting her in yourself and then she'll "get the hang of it". If they're free-ranging during the day together then I would put them all together at night. There may be some squabbles but that is to be expected.
I close mine into a secure coop every night, as it protects them from weather and predators. Combining flocks can be tricky, as there is nearly always squabbling as the new order sorts itself out. Just watch closely so there is no physical harm done.

Good luck!

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