Crazy Birds?


6 Years
Apr 13, 2013
I have only had my chicks for 9 days. They started eat from my hand after 24 hrs. For some reason yesterday they started acting goofy. Every time I go near the cage they start flappy their wings until everyone gets all stored up. They act like they have never seen me or I am going to hurt them..Just crazy..Do all chicks go through this stage? I am ready for them to like me again. Lol
Ok..I do start talking to them as I go to the cage...They are not on the floor. These cages are on a table in family room where they see us all the time. They are about 2 1/2 weeks old now...they were such calm until yesterday..Hope this stage passes soon. The worse ones are the Buff Orpingtons and the Amerucanas
HaHa my chickens did the same thing . went in the coop to feed one beautiful. warm morning , and all heck broke loose. chickens were bouncing off the walls and screaming there heads off. you would have thought i had carried a axe in with me instead of the feed bucket. figured out it was because i didnt have my hooded coat on because it was so warm .never knew there were so many places a chicken could cram themselfs into to get away from the boogy man

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