Crazy Boody Hen


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
South Carolina
I have one hen who sits on everyones eggs, smashes them and she is always sticky and loosing all her feathers on her underside. Besides, killing her, is there any other way to make her mind her p's and q's?
Another option for broody hens is to isolate them somewhere dark - i put mine in a single cage with a blanket on it or in the shed away from the other chooks for a day or two. It usually shakes them out of being broody (and my chooks are really broody!!) At least give it a try before doing anything drastic
So in theory I could tell my family I am trying to break the broody cycle and put them all in my basement Saturday and Sunday?
(in reality it would be a storm shelter) I only have 5. Pretty sure the coop will be o.k., but the forecast is scary!

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