Crazy girls -Silver Spangled Hamburgs never warm & fuzzy


11 Years
Aug 16, 2008
Brooksville, Fl
I have 20 pullets- 6 of them are SSH; 6 are Black Astaulorp, 2 are White Wyandotte, 1 Gold Laced Wyandotte, 1 Silver Laced Wyandotte, 1 Buff Orp, 1 RIR, 1 Red Sex Link & 1 Partridge Rock!
All these girls were hatched May 16th. They are a joy and I love every last one of them. However it is not quite as easy to love the SSH's! They are flighty! The others are eating out of my hand and a few even let me pick them up. The ssh's do run up to me when I come back out but stay back as the other girls are all over me. When I went to medicate I almost had a heart attack cause when you catch them they fight and squawk like crazy!
And recently (last 3 nights) 2 of them have been avoiding going in the coop and tonight I found there place.
Is it normal to have a few strays?
Has anyone else noticed a particular breed being "less tame?"
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my silver spangled is the same way...wants nothing to do with me at all...i have heard they can be like that..Wendy
Gosh mine isnt like that. We had to cut off her band from the fair last night and my fiance held her and I cut it off with no fuss whatsoever. Maybe she is young.... Of course we dont know. We bought her from a farm that free ranges EVERY animal known to man.
My friend has a SSH, and she is the sweetest thing! She lets you pet her, and is quite friendly. In fact, the other day, we had a "conversation." I'm not quite sure what we talked about, but she talked with me for a long time.

Sorry yours is a more aloof type. I guess each chicken has it's own personality.
once again-those 2 silly ssh's are in the upper part of the coop_it will be the roosting area when we are done. I had to climb the ladder to get them out.
Rosie, my hamburg is just a sweetie. She likes being picked up and is always sweet to the new babies.
Let this be a lesson! I should not be a chicken racist!
I wasn't raised around "silvers" and my family never spoke of "silvers" -that only makes me ignorant and "silvers" different. Not wrong. Just different.
I apologize to "SILVERS" EVERYWHERE!

your Rosie is quite a beaut!
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