I have a flock of five hens that I have had since they were 3 days old. They are 18 weeks and nearing laying age. These chickens have been spoiled to the nth degree since they were brought home. Regular handling, treats, nice big clean space to live in, music videos, jungle gym for exercise.
So, imagine my surprise when my BO hen charged at me and bit me. It startled me because this was the first time anything like this had happened so I jumped backwards. Wrong move! This just made her think I was her b!t@h! She came flapping and flying at me all crazy. I was swinging my arms for protection while making for the coop door and managed to knock her to the ground. I felt badly but she brought it on herself.
The next time I went into feed them she attacked me again but this time she drew blood on my arm where she bit me and scratched me. This time instead of retreating I stamped my foot in her direction and told her no loudly. Wrong move again! Now, I had challenged her! She came at me like a banshee, I ran like the chicken I am!
The hubby came with me the next time and when she started in on her attack he picked her up and held her head to her chest for awhile and then let her down. She came right back at him. Again with the holding and head to chest. After three or four times of this she stopped attacking and joined the other girls foraging.
She was good for several days after that. No problems going into the coop to feed and water. Then yesterday I took them their favorite treat, cold chopped tomatoes and she started up again. I am kind of angry at this point!
Why in the world would she just start doing this? Is there anything I can do to stop this behavior?
She is the head of the pecking order if that makes any difference.
So, imagine my surprise when my BO hen charged at me and bit me. It startled me because this was the first time anything like this had happened so I jumped backwards. Wrong move! This just made her think I was her b!t@h! She came flapping and flying at me all crazy. I was swinging my arms for protection while making for the coop door and managed to knock her to the ground. I felt badly but she brought it on herself.
The next time I went into feed them she attacked me again but this time she drew blood on my arm where she bit me and scratched me. This time instead of retreating I stamped my foot in her direction and told her no loudly. Wrong move again! Now, I had challenged her! She came at me like a banshee, I ran like the chicken I am!
The hubby came with me the next time and when she started in on her attack he picked her up and held her head to her chest for awhile and then let her down. She came right back at him. Again with the holding and head to chest. After three or four times of this she stopped attacking and joined the other girls foraging.
She was good for several days after that. No problems going into the coop to feed and water. Then yesterday I took them their favorite treat, cold chopped tomatoes and she started up again. I am kind of angry at this point!
Why in the world would she just start doing this? Is there anything I can do to stop this behavior?
She is the head of the pecking order if that makes any difference.