Crazy Hen...Emily is broody (Well, not anymore.. Quit on Day 16)

Well NUTS!!! That just sucks Cynthia!
But like you was her first time and nobody really knows what to expect with a first timer. I hope she goes broody for you again next spring. Only next time, duct tape her butt to the Fire Tower floor! That'll keep her from wandering around and letting her eggs grow cold!

I really hope the wee ones hatch out for you without any problems or deformities due to the irregular incubation. Is it true about their toes going all wonky on account of fluctuations in incubation temperature? Don't know where I heard that, but if that's the case, it sure would explain a few of my girls from my first hatch.

Everything is of course crossed for a successful hatching!
I'm so sorry to hear your hen quit, but she WILL be better at it next time. I DO hope you get some babies in the 'bator.

My crazy Goldie Hen has not.....probably worse luck!

We had a howling gale and floods, so her eggs got soaked and she sat on them until she could sit no more and pooped all over them, so the eggs were sitting in a stinking slurry of poo and flood water. (Down from 6 to 5 as one was 'sloshing').
I took Goldie off the stinking mess and made her go for a walk, and provided her with clean straw. Gave her the 5 back as she went and sat back down to brood. She moved them onto bare earth/sludge. Two days later and one was broken and eaten. The eggs were smelling I lifted Goldie and candled the eggs....two definitely still look like they have life and two dubious.
Now I cannot believe anything good can come from this, but day 17-18 she still sits out there.

So sorry, I did not mean to 'jump' this post...just seems that you were having similar experiences to me.
Cyn, I have a no return policy, ESPECIALY on defects! The only guarantee on hens is that they all will, eventually, at some time lay eggs. Thats it.

Uh....she has laid eggs, hasnt she??

These girls nowadays, all about instant gratification. Im sure she felt they should have hatched by now.
Of course, I was kidding about returning her! We love Emily a bunch; she is the sweetest girl and so BIG. That girl has petticoats to rival an Orp. And she does lay eggs. In fact, Tom found an egg in a nest he saw her come out of that actually looks like hers did. Could use her as a layer right now--3-8 eggs daily from 29 hens isn't terrific since DH usually eats 4 for breakfast by himself. I bet she thought it was taking too long and she was bored, LOL.

Amy, yes, sometimes incubation issues can cause crooked toes, but so can genetics.

pgpoultry, sorry about your girl's eggs. Some hens will sit on nothing for a couple months, some will sit on rotten eggs that burst underneath them. Hopefully, she'll get one chick out of all that work!

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