Crazy hen has a bright idea

I know this thread is over a year old, but did anyone ever see on America's funniest home videos the little frizzled hen sitting on a lightblub ?
Yep that was my girl Magnolia!! We took 2nd place :D They flew us out to California for the taping of the show for the weekend, gave us a hefty allowance for spending and we got a chauffer ride to and from the airport. I felt like a celebrity! What an awesome experience it was!
I watch AFV all the time and I sure haven't seen a broody hen... How did I miss that? I notice poultry in movies, TV shows, commercials.... I didn't get to see the video! Oh wah!!

Is it available somewhere online?
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It used to be on their website but is no longer available to view, They played the episode again the day of the super bowl.... I can't post it myself because they now own the rights to the video, that's why I had to take it off this thread. They named the video "High wattage hen"
what a disappointment, I'm bummed
Good to hear chickenaddict, is your little frizzled hen still alive and if so has she gone broody yet this year ? If not do you still have any of her offspring. As for youtube, the only video I can find dealing with hens and lightbulbs isn't chickenaddict though still funny. It's of a little game hen accepting eggs and then accepting a lightbulb from a person to sit on. This hen didn't go out to find her own lightbulbs to sit on. Here is the link
Sorry guys, I guess the video is no longer available to view now :( Magnolia is still very much alive and broody more often than not, to this day if I place a light bulb anywhere near her view she is on it like a fly on poo LOL. The video I had on youtube I also had to take down seeing as AFV owns it now. Not sure how I can go about getting a copy without having to pay for the whole episode. A dog named Hershey who stole the kids video camera and ran off with it in his mouth won the 10 grand for that episode.... I am always waiting for another opportunity to take another video and send it in again, If I make it again I will let you all know first hand :)

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