CRAZY Muscovies on eggbid!!

In our house, caruncles are "face boogers" thanks to a silly roommate with very young siblings!! We have turkeys, too, so it was only natural
The in-laws have show cars so the DH's Uncle who just restored his '68 Cuda is a CarUncle!!
Now, poor Uncle Dick won't ever figure out why he's getting called a Face Booger!!!
Nope, no one gets my bird addiction ('cept BYCers)!! Glad you guys are here....

As for those birds in the OP, I will stick to the lighter caruncled birds I have.... So not planning on showing them anyway, but love what I have for their personalities and bug patrol abilities!!
i am soooo glad i got my mussies. i love them soo much. i have a drake right by my leg right now. he's hungry. he hates to be picked up so putting him in the pen is a hassle. but he's mad (prolly cuz i haven't even got up to try to put him in yet lol) so he's litterally walking around in circles with his mohawk up. his feet are so big he thumps HAHAHA it's soo cute. he reminds me of a grumpy old man right now. i love him. he's also mad at my little girl cuz she flew in the pen to eat and he can't fly hahaha. poor fella. she's happy and he's grumpy lol.

i am kinda glad i didn't get pekins. i love my mussies

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