This kitty litter bucket nest box sits on top of a row of clean, roomy EMPTY nest boxes. My husband put the bucket out when we got some bantams, thinking the small hens would prefer a smaller nest box. The bantams never even looked at it (they choose to lay in the waste paper basket.) Instead, the bucket became the favorite nest box of all the larger hens. When I first found the 4 hens in the photo packed in it at once, I thought it a one time thing - and very funny. But after finding 4 hens packed in like sardines 3 days in a row, and eggs everywhere, I took their kitty litter bucket away. Then I put an egg in each of the nest boxes I want them to use, hoping to give tthem the idea. Today the hens were once again setting in a pile - out in the open, on the surface where the litter bucket used to be. Broken eggs all around. Any suggestions how to get them into the good nest boxes?