Cream Legbar Pictures

Really cute chicks. I can't wait until next spring when I can start hatching my own ccl and ccl x ee and other hybrids. Here's a couple better pics of my new pullets and cockerel, and one or two of my others





One with my bulldog Chunky
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Attention all Cream Legbar Club Members:

Today you will be receiving an email from the Cream Legbar Club with a link to a short survey and another link to an email update form. If you do not receive the email, that means that the email address we have for you is invalid, or we are being blocked on your end. Please PM me, or dretd or KPenley if you have not received our email so that we can get the problem sorted out.
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I have 15 CCL coming tomorrow from GFF. I am excited.... can't wait to get acquainted with the breed. I do have a question though. Okay..... now I will know right away that I have roosters. Then what? What do you do with 1 day old cockerels?
I have 15 CCL coming tomorrow from GFF. I am excited.... can't wait to get acquainted with the breed. I do have a question though. Okay..... now I will know right away that I have roosters. Then what? What do you do with 1 day old cockerels?

Do as we did and find pet homes for them with vegetarian/vegan friends - LOL - they still send us photos of the re-homed birds!

You don't want to give cockerels away or sell them cheap since they usually become someone's dinner. Sad to say but if you have a few unwanted cockerels then raise them for your own dinner table. If you can't process them, find someone who will do it for you. Better to keep the boys for your own freezer than to sell/give them away to someone else's freezer after all the time and money you spent. It's the very sad fact of life for the surplus boys
to head for the freezer. Most chickeneers process them around 5 to 6 months old. You might want to keep that information away from very young children who get attached to animals!

We love our birds and my DH won't eat them so we worked very hard to find homes for two mis-sexed cockerels! Those are your choices for unwanted cockerels which is why I only get definitely sexed juvenile pullets from private breeders only. For all the money exerted to get straight run chicks plus shipping to hopefully get the number of pullets needed for my flock, it's better to spend the money on older POL juveniles plus shipping to get my definite pullets.

Everyone needs to make their own choices as to what works for them best.

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