Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Just wanted to say a big congratulations to all who participated in the first club meeting. It was nice to see this all come full circle and to be a part of it. Thanks Rinda and Curtis y'all are Da Bomb!

So awesome!!!

I wasn't sure how a meeting online would go but it was very cool

You guys did a great job putting it all together and it was so nice chatting with you all. Can't wait till the next one.

I had a roo chick that I lost abot 3 wks ago and am now on the search for another1 and some hens, what beautiful chickens! Anyone in the wa area that raises and sells contact me please
Welcome to BYC - and Cream Legbars, so sorry to hear about the loss. Hopefully you will be able to get back into the Cream Legbars before long.
I was there for about ten minutes when my computer crashed. I was able to listen on the phone (I was connected both ways), but tried numerous times to get back in and never could get connected properly. I was really looking forward to it and was disappointed when this computer chose that time to crash. It is 5 years old, but it is working perfectly now (of course)!
Sorry that your connection dropped. You can see the 'instant replay' once Rinda sends it out. Considering all that technology could have delt the meeting (shudder) it really went well. I think your crash, and the voice break up at the end for Heidi were the worst things that happened. Also considering that everyone had/has different equipment and different was awesomely conducted. Three cheers for Rinda and Curtis. (And in Wyo and Okla too).
You are not in the US, are you? This hen has lots of red on the wings and the color is more like a light brown
I dont want to sound rude or anything but most hens I look on this thread look just like this hen, light brown diluted "only" by the barring gene, "Cream" legbars should look very close to the Silver legbars but with a very light cream hackles instead of silver, the body tone should look like silvers aswell as their breasts...
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I dont want to sound rude or anything but most hens I look on this thread look just like this hen, light brown diluted "only" by the barring gene, "Cream" legbars should look very close to the Silver legbars but with a very light cream hackles instead of silver, the body tone should look like silvers aswell as their breasts...

There are indeed lots of brownish hens on this thread. But few if any of us are able, even at this point, to shop around and compare hens. The available pool of Cream Legbars is growing, but it is still difficult for any one person to find a breeder with reliably well-colored hens. I would love some of the hens I've seen pictures of -- but some of them are 2,500 miles away (California/Michigan). Mailing chicks -- even eggs -- is a risky proposition for any birds; when they're very expensive, that's a gamble not everyone can make.

With the breed so new, Cream Legbars are a luxury not everyone can afford. Some of us dented our food budgets for them; probably far fewer can afford to criss-cross the country visiting breeders, or even buy a reasonable number of chicks shipped from more than one or two breeders.

Happily this is already changing. I expect that in a few years, good SOP hens will be more easily available and at a lower price.

Meanwhile, I like what HaikuHeritageFarm posted in November, 2011:Don’t freak out if your CCLB have faults, you all have to start somewhere. It’s what you do NEXT that matters!”
There are indeed lots of brownish hens on this thread. But few if any of us are able, even at this point, to shop around and compare hens. The available pool of Cream Legbars is growing, but it is still difficult for any one person to find a breeder with reliably well-colored hens. I would love some of the hens I've seen pictures of -- but some of them are 2,500 miles away (California/Michigan). Mailing chicks -- even eggs -- is a risky proposition for any birds; when they're very expensive, that's a gamble not everyone can make.

With the breed so new, Cream Legbars are a luxury not everyone can afford. Some of us dented our food budgets for them; probably far fewer can afford to criss-cross the country visiting breeders, or even buy a reasonable number of chicks shipped from more than one or two breeders.

Happily this is already changing. I expect that in a few years, good SOP hens will be more easily available and at a lower price.

Meanwhile, I like what HaikuHeritageFarm posted in November, 2011:Don’t freak out if your CCLB have faults, you all have to start somewhere. It’s what you do NEXT that matters!”

with the gene pool so small and even fewer UK Quality birds I would suggest there should be a concensus on where or who got the best stock and have the owners of such birds agree to provide quality birds to serious breeders(known breeders on this forum) from time to time. I would say if any of you could get a breeding pair a 2 line breeding program should be started..

line one. the Male side. CLB Rooster mated to Silver Leghorn females. Hatch many..

line 2. the female side. CLB Hen mated to Silver leghorn males. hatch many.

CULL and Cull hard. thats the only way I would say one can go about it..

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