Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

I thought they were welsummers. Curious now what they are. Lots of partridge breeds out there :)

Steen, he looks great to me! Hope everything else stays true as he matures. My 2 males that were dark are already showing a lot of rust. The blonde one is staying cream so far. Fingers crossed, but he is only a month old, so we will see. Both males from my second batch of eggs were blonde, but my genetic diversity would be better if this first guy works out.
In this second batch I also got two lighter females and 3 darker ones, so I will be interested to see how the down color correlates to the adult plumage.
I think I need some serious positive thoughts. Of my 16 eggs that were shipped, 2 have made it to lock down. The others just didn't develop. They were due to hatch tomorrow and we just had a 4 hour power outage. The temperature was at 81 when t power came back on. :(.
Oh no! I hope they make it....
I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on cream feathering versus egg color. I have a cream uncrested girl (she's my only truly cream girl so far, although I do have some pale gold ones) but her eggs are more to the green side than blue (OAC 121 instead of 151 like my pale gold girls). Is it worth breeding her to isolate the cream, knowing that her offspring will not produce as blue of eggs?

My thoughts: Isolate the cream in her offspring, only keep the crested ones, and work on finding a boy born from a blue egg later to help get back to a truer blue.
I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on cream feathering versus egg color. I have a cream uncrested girl (she's my only truly cream girl so far, although I do have some pale gold ones) but her eggs are more to the green side than blue (OAC 121 instead of 151 like my pale gold girls). Is it worth breeding her to isolate the cream, knowing that her offspring will not produce as blue of eggs?

My thoughts: Isolate the cream in her offspring, only keep the crested ones, and work on finding a boy born from a blue egg later to help get back to a truer blue.

Your approach sounds good.

I have seen a big difference in egg color depending on what my girls are being fed or time of year. Some of my eggs went from green to blue and others from blue to almost white. So I am focusing on feather color over eggs at this point.
I think I need some serious positive thoughts. Of my 16 eggs that were shipped, 2 have made it to lock down. The others just didn't develop. They were due to hatch tomorrow and we just had a 4 hour power outage. The temperature was at 81 when t power came back on. :(.

Yeah, shipped eggs are a bummer. Don't lose hope on your 2 though.... My broody still got off her nest for her daily constitutional right up to hatch day, and everything went perfectly, and that was an egg with the air cell on the side! I know for a fact she was off the nest for almost an hour the day before hatch (because I was biting my nails to stop from intervening), and that was in cooler weather. The egg really cooled down, but she got back on and it hatched overnight.
Best of luck!
PS Flaming or anyone else with driving distance of Gig Harbor,
I have three cockerels that were the bright yellow down color. Two are directly descended from Greenfire's later (correctly colored) imports. These two are also closely related to my pullets, so we will probably eat them if no-one wants them. They are currently 9 days old. I am planng on growing them to eating size, so you could wait to see how they feather out, but wanted to put it out there.
Flaming Chicken, best wishes on the two eggs hatching!
This spring I found one egg peeping in a bucket of discards, where it had been overnight. (I am making every mistake in the books . . .) It hatched.
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PS Flaming or anyone else with driving distance of Gig Harbor,
I have three cockerels that were the bright yellow down color. Two are directly descended from Greenfire's later (correctly colored) imports. These two are also closely related to my pullets, so we will probably eat them if no-one wants them. They are currently 9 days old. I am planng on growing them to eating size, so you could wait to see how they feather out, but wanted to put it out there.
I would love to see them before you eat them! I have 3 right now that are 7-8 weeks old that are starting to develop copper feathering and I am doubtful that they will be the right coloring. My sister lives in Belfair and I am often driving through the Gig Harbor area and could easily stop by to see them. I will be headed there on Friday if you feel you want to give them up sooner?
I'd love to hear everyone's opinion on cream feathering versus egg color. I have a cream uncrested girl (she's my only truly cream girl so far, although I do have some pale gold ones) but her eggs are more to the green side than blue (OAC 121 instead of 151 like my pale gold girls). Is it worth breeding her to isolate the cream, knowing that her offspring will not produce as blue of eggs?

My thoughts: Isolate the cream in her offspring, only keep the crested ones, and work on finding a boy born from a blue egg later to help get back to a truer blue.

X2- good game plan.

Flaming Chicken, best wishes on the two eggs hatching!
This spring I found one egg peeping in a bucket of discards, where it had been overnight. (I am making every mistake in the books . . .) It hatched.

Lucky thing!

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