Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Definitely I'm thinking that her salmon is the correct color. I hit 'auto correct' and 'auto sharpen' in PhotoShop when I resized it and It may have pushed the saturation too far. But Cream Legbar definitely isn't expected to have a cream breast...which gets really confusing to people. I'm thinking that this example is near perfectly colored for the female CL

The male is lighter in color than the female..... Male hackles are very light, as an example.

Here is something that Punnett said:

“It may be described as a Brown Leghorn on a cream basis, to which has been added the barring factor causing it to be autosexing. It is also crested and lays a blue egg”

R.C. Punnett 1957

I think someone said that it is just like a silver legbar except crested - comment attributed to M. Pease, but somehow that doesn't make sense to me...JMO. Why would they then call it a Cream Legbar instead of a "Crested Silver". Seems like in my experience Cream is a different color than white. But a brown Leghorn on a cream ground...I suppose equally ambiguous since how cream is the cream ground and what does it show as -- has to be the hackles (where not barred), but the barring must also show.
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i would like some honest thought here i know the roo has too much color on his back but his comb is strait and has 7 points even though its dirty lol but stance is good tail angle to me is great and he is almost 5 months old and his pullets are 5 months old and ive got 4 eggs so far !!!

and yout thoughts of this pullet with white ears

Which pullet are you referring to chickendeal? They all look like they have white ears (they're supposed to). I have to run and get my kiddos but I'll give you some feedback later when I have more time to study your pics :)
The uncrested pullet and I was told white ears on the pullets was a dq edan camp I believe told me that but I have her in with him because she is the oldest and who I think is laying she is older by 3 weeks lol
The uncrested pullet and I was told white ears on the pullets was a dq edan camp I believe told me that but I have her in with him because she is the oldest and who I think is laying she is older by 3 weeks lol

Enamel white is the correct earlobe color for Cream Legbars, both male and female.

Pics are hard to judge, but I'll give it a try. Like most breeders' flocks here in the USA your flock is not perfect, but you have some great birds to work with and with careful breeding and culling you will have an SOP approved flock in no time!
Your roo does look like he has a nice straight comb, and the extra point on his comb is merely a 1/2 point deduction, so nothing to worry about. He also has a full tail and looks to be very strong! They are supposed to be muscular birds
Although the back is a bit short, you have him wisely paired with some good long length girls, so that should be corrected in the next generation or two.
Colorwise there are some issues, but you already know about the shoulder and saddle. Again pictures are hard to read, but your roo may only be homozygous for cream. As long as even one hen is truly cream (double dose) this will also be corrected in the next couple of generations if you carefully choose for cream. In future generations look for boys with pale lemon to silver hackles and saddle. Also, there is a lot of red in the earlobes. A bit is ok, but choosing future breeders with minimal red and mostly enamel white will help a lot!
You have some beautiful crested girls! I love that their combs don't all flop over (although flopping is fine in the girls, it's just a personal preference on my part). Strong full bodies, low rounded chest, some long backs...all great! Some of the pics make them look light gold and some cream. Choose the cream ones with the grayest bodies and you should be good to go. Just because you have some great crested pullets already, I'd take the non-crested girl out of the breeding pen. Not having a crest is a DQ at show. Congratulations on your eggs! I hope you have many to come! Thank you for sharing pics of your beautiful birds!
Im hoping with the first molt he will lose some of that on his back and the ears just started turning white they all were born on the 1st of april except the uncrested pullet she was born in the last part of march so how old are they when they do the first full molt?

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