Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Im hoping with the first molt he will lose some of that on his back and the ears just started turning white they all were born on the 1st of april except the uncrested pullet she was born in the last part of march so how old are they when they do the first full molt?

I think it depends on weather and season as much as age, but I'm sure someone more experienced can answer better than I. My birds just went through a small summer molt, but not a total one. My coop did look like someone had had quite the pillow fight though
. I can't wait to see how your birds turn out!
Me too I should have taken pics of the other roo he is all grey more like silver with no chestnut. At all he has a crooked comb so I don't know if I should breed him with my strait combed pullets or not I will get pics tomorrow and let you guys help me decide lol
i would like some honest thought here i know the roo has too much color on his back but his comb is strait and has 7 points even though its dirty lol but stance is good tail angle to me is great and he is almost 5 months old and his pullets are 5 months old and ive got 4 eggs so far !!!
your roo only has 6 points . garydean posted a picture of how to count points at some point in time on one of the threads. you dont count the back point on the blade
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this guy is 6 also or does that tiny bump on the front count as a point. hes looking pretty good. allot of our birds have that high tail. i had one with a really low one but its gradually getting higher just like someone said it would.

Thanks for the feedback....this is my first year in raising chooks....just a backyard 'operation'. My neighbors are great and I ended up getting him as a re-home situation from folks hatching eggs in areas where roos are not welcome....I was told he's from Jordan Farms line...he's good with the chooks, good with the dogs, and good with the neighborhood kids who like to visit....just lucky I guess....
your roo only has 6 points . garydean posted a picture of how to count points at some point in time on one of the threads. you dont count the back point on the blade 
thank you for pointing that out I need to go out and recount them all because I have one that I thought had 8 so off I go to comb count lol and one of my pullets layed another egg yesterday so how long should I let it sit before putting it in the bator?
thank you for pointing that out I need to go out and recount them all because I have one that I thought had 8 so off I go to comb count lol and one of my pullets layed another egg yesterday so how long should I let it sit before putting it in the bator?

Typically you don't want to hatch pullet eggs. I would wait at least a few weeks before setting any of her eggs. #1 pullet eggs are frequently infertile #2 pullet eggs often do not hatch, there just isn't enough "room" in the egg for them. You can let eggs sit on the counter for a while before you set them. For best hatching you want to wait no longer than 10 days, but sometimes I space my hatches out by 2 weeks just to make it easier on me. For eating eggs they can sit for quite a while longer than that.
Me too I should have taken pics of the other roo he is all grey more like silver with no chestnut. At all he has a crooked comb so I don't know if I should breed him with my strait combed pullets or not I will get pics tomorrow and let you guys help me decide lol
you should definitely breed him to a straight combed hen. you will still get allot of crooked combs but you will find some with straight combs also. and if combs is one of the last things you need to refine i think a straight combed hen will get you some good males. as it turns out i might have to do as garydean suggested and do exactly that. make pairs that have opposite problems and look for the offspring that don't have either of the problems.

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