Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

I cant get close enough with my phone and its too bright. Maybe when the sun goes down i can. Ive been needing to get a good camera up here for weeks now. Ill try to remember tomorrow morning. I also kept a pure cream non crested for experiment sake only. she is really grey but has black tips all over. I want to see what she produced for the fun of it. I think you would like to see her to marvin
Steen while I may not have birds yet I do have a decent camera perhaps we can get together sometime in town and get some pictures taken.
Yeah I would love to....

are CCL as Flighty as commercial Leghorns? or more laid back

Nothing like them. I have one leghorn I can't get within 6 feet of unless I snatch her off the roost. My Cream Legbars are more wary, but I can catch and hold them when I want to. I do not handle my birds much once they are older than about 6 or 8 weeks old. If you continue to handle them a lot Cream Legbars are lap chickens from what I've been told!

ETA: They are not "flighty" but they are great flyers!!!!
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My legbars aren't flighty either. My rooster is calm but wary of us and my pullets I would describe them as hyper lol they zip around so fast and are all over the place when I am out with them. But mine are friendly and come right up to us they let us pick them up and don't mind being held.
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Welcome to BYC and thanks for posting your legbars.

ETA - consider joining the Cream Legbar Club-- the club is dedicated to learning about, educating  about, preserving and promoting Cream Legbars in the USA and working to get APA acceptance for the breed.  There is a dynamite newsletter with a LOT of informatioin, soon to be a handbook, a "clubhouse' with past meeting minutes/recordings (for a while they may expire after a certain time) archived newsletters, and a collection of articles, links and discussions. 

Here's a link to the club's webpage, and there is an enrollment form there if you care to join in the fun.
Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.
Steen while I may not have birds yet I do have a decent camera perhaps we can get together sometime in town and get some pictures taken.
I have a really nice canon, nothing like the newest ones but it does a really good job at taking pictures and draining dbl AA batteries. Ill buy some batteries and take some pics. I just need to remember to bring the camera up to the mountain. We have had some nice talks and you seem rather nice Id love to meet you and your family sometime. Ive have had some rather shady experience with some rather shady people. so i only bring close friends and family up to my land.

Ive had a few others up but only if i know them pretty good and more importantly know how to find them. ha ha. Heads would roll if i ever had chickens taken from me. I might sound like i dont trust people but there is good reason not to. to much hard work has been done and to many worthless people out there.

There is a lady up north that breeds Ameraucana. Per some recent events she has shown her true colors so i wont deal with her anymore but she had posted storys of people coming to her place to steal birds. Ive also heard of others having their chickens stolen near by in Cedar Crest. When you post your CCL on Craigs list and you talk to people about your CCL telling them how rare they are and how much their worth some people only see dollar signs waiting to be snatched up.
I have a really nice canon, nothing like the newest ones but it does a really good job at taking pictures and draining dbl AA batteries. Ill buy some batteries and take some pics. I just need to remember to bring the camera up to the mountain. We have had some nice talks and you seem rather nice Id love to meet you and your family sometime. Ive have had some rather shady experience with some rather shady people. so i only bring close friends and family up to my land.

Ive had a few others up but only if i know them pretty good and more importantly know how to find them. ha ha. Heads would roll if i ever had chickens taken from me. I might sound like i dont trust people but there is good reason not to. to much hard work has been done and to many worthless people out there.

There is a lady up north that breeds Ameraucana. Per some recent events she has shown her true colors so i wont deal with her anymore but she had posted storys of people coming to her place to steal birds. Ive also heard of others having their chickens stolen near by in Cedar Crest. When you post your CCL on Craigs list and you talk to people about your CCL telling them how rare they are and how much their worth some people only see dollar signs waiting to be snatched up.

Really people actual steal chickens? That is horrible. Do you all think Cream Legabrs are a breed people would want to sneak in in the middle of the night and steal?

I have to admit I get nervous close to thanksgiving and I put all my turkeys under lock and key. I doubt they would get stolen but you never know.
I have a really nice canon, nothing like the newest ones but it does a really good job at taking pictures and draining dbl AA batteries. Ill buy some batteries and take some pics. I just need to remember to bring the camera up to the mountain. We have had some nice talks and you seem rather nice Id love to meet you and your family sometime. Ive have had some rather shady experience with some rather shady people. so i only bring close friends and family up to my land.

Ive had a few others up but only if i know them pretty good and more importantly know how to find them. ha ha. Heads would roll if i ever had chickens taken from me. I might sound like i dont trust people but there is good reason not to. to much hard work has been done and to many worthless people out there.

There is a lady up north that breeds Ameraucana. Per some recent events she has shown her true colors so i wont deal with her anymore but she had posted storys of people coming to her place to steal birds. Ive also heard of others having their chickens stolen near by in Cedar Crest. When you post your CCL on Craigs list and you talk to people about your CCL telling them how rare they are and how much their worth some people only see dollar signs waiting to be snatched up.
I always meet someone at a convenient location to rehome birds. It solves the problem of folks checking out your place (it may not be them, but they may tell friends about you and your location, so it is our of your hands). It also maintains biosecurity. I don;t want people tracking disease from their flocks only my property. Plus if you say its your policy because of biosecurity, it avoids offending anyone.

My Kodak sucks up batteries, too. I have found that the Ultra Lithium batteries by Enegizer are far superior to traditional AA. They say longer life and for me a pair will last for months instead of days with regular ones. They are around $9-10 for a 4 pack but more than pay for themselves with longevity. I put 2 in and the spare 2 in my camera case and have to restock about every 8-9 months or longer depending on use.
Yeah, No worries Steen thats why I suggested in town so not insulted someone stole my ducks when I had them I think they probably ate them.

As to your question chickin pickin it really depends where you are located how likely it is that human predators are a worry. Some places like where I live tend to have more desperate people. One of the reasons I want chickens is so I can help my family and friends have plenty of eggs at least. If I get to producing enough extra I will probably donate some to the local food banks.
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Yeah, No worries Steen thats why I suggested in town so not insulted someone stole my ducks when I had them I think they probably ate them.

As to your question chickin pickin it really depends where you are located how likely it is that human predators are a worry. Some places like where I live tend to have more desperate people. One of the reasons I want chickens is so I can help my family and friends have plenty of eggs at least. If I get to producing enough extra I will probably donate some to the local food banks.
yeah its really kinda sad that this has to be a worry. Sry to hear about your ducks. Also its always been my thought for my farm to donate all the extras to food banks. Its one of the things i ask/pray for is to have an abundance to do that for people. some day i hope my gardens and chickens can produce that much.

I always meet someone at a convenient location to rehome birds. It solves the problem of folks checking out your place (it may not be them, but they may tell friends about you and your location, so it is our of your hands). It also maintains biosecurity. I don;t want people tracking disease from their flocks only my property. Plus if you say its your policy because of biosecurity, it avoids offending anyone.
. That is also a good point. I have always met people at gas stations and such type locations when i sold birds. I always just said i dont allow people to my place and their has been no one to question it. I think adding the bio security in is a good thing to do. Like you say it does not offend them and it also shows how much you care about keeping your flock healthy and safe. Thanks for the battery tip as well i will try them.
Really people actual steal chickens? That is horrible. Do you all think Cream Legabrs are a breed people would want to sneak in in the middle of the night and steal?

I have to admit I get nervous close to thanksgiving and I put all my turkeys under lock and key. I doubt they would get stolen but you never know.
As DA said it might just depend on your location but safer than sry is a good thing to be. You might not live in a bad place but there are people that would like to steal some chickens rather than dish out a cpl hundred dollars to get started in a breed. Also like DA said there are good people out there that could just be hungry due to some hard luck . If your family is starving its understandable to do what ever it takes to get a good meal for them. Its really sad but it does happen.
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