Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

I have a really nice canon, nothing like the newest ones but it does a really good job at taking pictures and draining dbl AA batteries. Ill buy some batteries and take some pics. I just need to remember to bring the camera up to the mountain. We have had some nice talks and you seem rather nice Id love to meet you and your family sometime.  Ive have had some rather shady experience with some rather shady people. so i only bring close friends and family up to my land.

Ive had a few others up but only if i know them pretty good and more importantly know how to find them. ha ha. Heads would roll if i ever had chickens taken from me. I might sound like i dont trust people but there is good reason not to.  to much hard work has been done and to many worthless people out there.

There is a lady up north that breeds Ameraucana. Per some recent events she has shown her true colors so i wont deal with her anymore but she had posted storys of people coming to her place to steal birds. Ive also heard of others having their chickens stolen near by in Cedar Crest. When you post your CCL on Craigs list and you talk to people about your CCL telling them how rare they are and how much their worth some people only see dollar signs waiting to be snatched up.

Really people actual steal chickens? That is horrible. Do you all think Cream Legabrs are a breed people would want to sneak in in the middle of the night and steal?

I have to admit I get nervous close to thanksgiving and I put all my turkeys under lock and key. I doubt they would get stolen but you never know.

I believe it was last year or so that this happened to at least one person i heard of here in NH. Maybe further north from me if I recall.
At the show I was at this weekend, they told people to lock cages just in case since they have had issues with folks stealing birds during the show. That is why I try not to take breeder birds.

I tried to snag some pics of the show type leghorns that had better body at the show to use as examples but my phone was acting up. The illustration I prefer of the brown leghorns is the black & white drawings by Schilling that are used in the standard. Another good one is the picture they use in the McMurray catalog.
So ive been weeding out all the unwanted traits from my line this year. Here is an update on the Black breasted pullet. color on her back the breast is almost all salmon but has black tips still in some places but her breast is more of a coppery color

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Here is another odd ball. I thought that the black tips was just on the gold birds but i guess i was wrong to assume that. This is an all cream pullet. the color of her chest is off its more of a dark color than salmon and had black tips all over her body.

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Here is the only decent pullet i got from this year. she looks like she has some tiny black tips in her breast but i like her color. I think i had some that were better but buddie killed the best one the first week i got him. The lil pullet had gone outside of the fenced area and buddie ran over and snatched her up. He didnt know what he had done, it was probably the first chicken he had ever seen. I also had a bunch that looked promising. they were apart of the losses on that big coyote attack lead by the neighbors dog. Kinda sad but next year will have to be the pullet improvement year.

This is the one i had a question on. What do we make of the black and Cream barring in the hackles but the outside edges of the feathers are lined with that yellowish color.

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My guys went crazy while I was gone. It is going to take me a couple days to respond to those that put out their thoughts on the pictures posted. I don't think I will do it on an individual basis, but rather my comments on answers will be to all.

Steen and LaBella: there is a reason why I come across like Atilla the Hun online....just as there is a reason why you do the same thing. I respond to people the same way they respond to me...but maybe with even more energy. I have no problem with people questioning me........none.......but then you should have no problem with my comments either because believe it or not I know more than you do about least so far..

What I'm trying to do here is to find out if you folks can actually do this. The responses to the questions are allowing me to understand that some of you are indeed ready to take this on.
No one should think this is going to be easy.....especially if you have had successes with other animals...if you do you will be very disappointed. You can believe that or not, but I have references from others here on BYC that have found this statement to be true. They were very successful breeders of other animals too.....and pretty much had the same attitude. Not so much anymore.

Here is another odd ball. I thought that the black tips was just on the gold birds but i guess i was wrong to assume that. This is an all cream pullet. the color of her chest is off its more of a dark color than salmon and had black tips all over her body.
Both of my best cream colored hens/pullets have black tips on some of their breast feathers. I plan to breed from them anyway to see how their offspring look.
My guys went crazy while I was gone. It is going to take me a couple days to respond to those that put out their thoughts on the pictures posted. I don't think I will do it on an individual basis, but rather my comments on answers will be to all.

Steen and LaBella: there is a reason why I come across like Atilla the Hun online....just as there is a reason why you do the same thing. I respond to people the same way they respond to me...but maybe with even more energy. I have no problem with people questioning me........none.......but then you should have no problem with my comments either because believe it or not I know more than you do about least so far..

What I'm trying to do here is to find out if you folks can actually do this. The responses to the questions are allowing me to understand that some of you are indeed ready to take this on.
No one should think this is going to be easy.....especially if you have had successes with other animals...if you do you will be very disappointed. You can believe that or not, but I have references from others here on BYC that have found this statement to be true. They were very successful breeders of other animals too.....and pretty much had the same attitude. Not so much anymore.

lol i had no problem with you comments at all.
I only stated that a higher power has more knowledge than you
and its this higher power that i listen too the most. And when i don't it gets me in trouble
. Id love to learn from you and i really appreciate your help with this breed like everyone else does. at least most of us I'm sure do. I'm 1000% sure you have way way way more knowledge than i do about chickens
. I need to learn just as much as anyone. My post was mainly talking to other people not you to show or tell people until that knowledge is gained threw our human endeavors with chickens everyone already has the knowledge of everything that ever existed and it can be accessed threw your spirit.

edited to add smileys.
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lol i had no problem with you comments at all.
I only stated that a higher power has more knowledge than you
and its this higher power that i listen too the most. And when i don't it gets me in trouble
. Id love to learn from you and i really appreciate your help with this breed like everyone else does. at least most of us I'm sure do. I'm 1000% sure you have way way way more knowledge than i do about chickens
. I need to learn just as much as anyone. My post was mainly talking to other people not you to show or tell people until that knowledge is gained threw our human endeavors with chickens everyone already has the knowledge of everything that ever existed and it can be accessed threw your spirit.

edited to add smileys.

I understand that the Higher Power knows more than problem understanding that. Lots of people on this earth know more about birds than me too, but they aren't in this thread.

Barring is a very strong trait so it is not unusual to see it show up in place you don't want it to show up in. At this point there could be many reasons why it is showing up in your pullets. One of the most difficult things to do is to find out how your birds will react to certain breedings. This is going to be trail and error until you have a flock with fixed...or mostly fixed color traits. I would ask for help from a knowledgable British breeder that has a strong color breeding background. This is part of what makes chicken breeding different from other animals. They have colors that have to be perfectly expressed in specific areas. Again......Legbars have many challenges, so if we underestimate we will be in trouble. When I look at all the answers to my test I plan on also looking at this Leghorn could simply be that the show type Leghorn has gotten fancier over the years and the Legbar has not. By "fancier" I am talking about the tail furnishings. I don't think a Legbar was meant to have profuse tail feathering. As we are seeing, different countries have somewhat different looking Leghorns.


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