Cream Legbar Working Group: Standard of Perfection

Mr. Grant Brereton is the editor of Fancy Fowl magazine in the UK. He is the one who wrote the article about 'Prepotent Males' in the Poultry World magazine that I referenced elsewhere.

He has a new book out - and the sample chapters have such GOOD insights about showing, what to face etc. it boggles my mind.....

Here is a link to information about his book --
I am not sure if anyone else ends up mixing legbars of different ages (for example I have 2 week olds and 5 week olds). But I think it is so interesting with this breed even though they are not supposed to be broody the older girls are generally so gentle and even Merlin he and the girls just adopt up these younger chicks. Even so far as to try to run me off if I try to take them back again. They act very different from the other breeds I've had as far as flock dynamics.
I am not sure if anyone else ends up mixing legbars of different ages (for example I have 2 week olds and 5 week olds). But I think it is so interesting with this breed even though they are not supposed to be broody the older girls are generally so gentle and even Merlin he and the girls just adopt up these younger chicks. Even so far as to try to run me off if I try to take them back again. They act very different from the other breeds I've had as far as flock dynamics.

I've had no problem mixing chicks even up to 14 weeks! After that out for the pecking order!
THAT is such valuable information about flock management!! I have heard of older CL pullets 'adopting' babies....wonder if it is a trait of he breed! (Just makes me want to try it....another degree higher in the hatching-fever thermometer).
THAT is such valuable information about flock management!!  I have heard of older CL pullets 'adopting' babies....wonder if it is a trait of he breed!
That's what I wonder too. I just know my marans are not nearly as nurturing to new little members. I tried adding some new members with them and the situation didn't last ten minutes. I pulled them right back out. Certain legbar individuals are less nurturing too Sophie on her own is more of a competitor than adoptive mommy. But in the group it works out. It's probably coincidence but with mine the more light and cream looking the gentler. That goes for Elvis too. He's extremely gentle.

Does anyone know how form fits function here? My understanding was that wedge shaped bodies were okay for meat breeds like the Cornish show below because it made for wide breasts (i.e more breast meat) and while the pinched tails only made them built for laying about 60 eggs a year (number?), that was okay since they were not used for egg production. My understanding was that dual purpose and laying breeds needed to have good width to the tail to make room for egg production. I believe that most dual purpose breeds have the box shaped top view shown in #1 above. Any ideas what the qualities of a "slightly narrowing" top view would be for? Is there a pro or con in body types for foraging abilities? Feed conversion? Growth? I feel a need to justify the body shape. I am struggling accepting a body type that I don't understand the purpose of.

image located on-line at
@Mr C. In my mind, when I read the UK description I see something like #1, so that's what I'd say we need to go with. Egg production being primary, that tail needs to be spread...and the UK folks from now and 30 years ago have all reiterated that a pinched tail is not our goal. I see number 2 and 3 as pinched.
I don't know, but shouldn't it be somewhere between the larger Plymouth Rock and the Leghorn? Maybe not quite so broad as the Plymouth Rock...not so square.. like a larger breed.
The British SOP says " Male: Type: Body wedge shaped, wide at the shoulders and narrowing slightly to root of tail. Female: The general characteristics are similar to those of the male, allowing for the natural sexual differences"
If our SOP for CLs must match the British SOP, how can the body type be changed from the British SOP?

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